On Windows, you should have Rtools.
remotes::install_github(repo="jdreyf/ezlimma", build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"), build_vignettes = FALSE)
# packages
# Read-in example data
# Read-in the example dataset.
# This example dataset contains two files.
# 1. editing_rate matrix: merged_data
# 2. sample_info: sample_info
# get a look at this dataset
merged_data %>% head
sample_info %>% head
# Read-in annotation file.
# get a look at annotation infomation.
anno %>% head
# Count num. of editing types
# count
edit_type_count = edit_type_count(merged_data)
# save
write.csv(edit_type_count, file=paste0(path_save_type,"/mat_raw_count.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
# plot without save
# plot and save
path_save_type="." # change to your save_directory_path
plot_edit_type_count(edit_type_count, save = TRUE,
# Filtering variants
mat_qc = filter_variant(merged_data, sample_info,
edit_rate_indi = 0.01,
edit_rate_mean = 0.05,
missing_rate = NA,
left_n_total = NA,
left_n_in_each_group = 5)
path_save="." # change to your save_directory_path
write.csv(mat_qc, file=gzfile(paste0(path_save,"/mat_qc.csv.gz")), row.names = FALSE)
mat_qc[duplicated(mat_qc$symbol) == TRUE,]
# diff_analy_limma for genes
mat_mean = calc_mean(mat_qc, sample_info = sample_info)
diff_res = diff_edit_site(mat_qc,
sample_info = sample_info,
comparison = c("Han", "Tibetan")) # control_group = "Han"
# threshold
FDR_thres = 0.05
deltaEdit_thres = 0.30
# filter sig symbol
diff_sig = diff_res %>%
dplyr::filter(abs(`Tibetan-Han.delta`)> deltaEdit_thres) %>%
dplyr::filter(`Tibetan-Han.FDR` < FDR_thres)
# # diff_summary
# omic6_diff_limma_num = meth_diff_limma_num(omic6_diff, deltaB_thres = deltaEdit_thres)
# omic6_diff_limma_num_total = meth_diff_limma_num_total(omic6_diff, deltaB_thres = deltaEdit_thres)
# annotate
diff_sig_anno = anno_edit_site(diff_sig, anno)
path_save="." # change to your save_directory_path
write.csv(diff_sig_anno, file=paste0(path_save,"/diff_sig_anno.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
# extract recoding site
diff_sig_recoding_site = diff_sig_anno %>% dplyr::filter(Func.wgEncodeGencodeBasicV34=="exonic")
diff_sig_recoding_site %>% head
We provided an example data at github, which you can download at your PC.
Then, unzip the tidyRnaEdit_exampledata.zip
, which are,
- The files named
are REDItools outTables. Only chr17 is provided for test. - The file
is a dataframe of 3 columns, including filepath, sampleid, group.
is the standard output by REDItools.- When you generate your
file, You should KEEP (not modify) the column names.
Now, tidyRnaEdit has already included the annotation file on human (hg38). You can easily use it without downloading.
# just type
# get a look at this annotation file.
anno %>% head
# The annotation file on human (hg38) is already to use in this package, namely, the `anno`.
For other genome version of human and other species, you should download elsewhere.
We recommend a well-curated annotated database, which is available at REDIportal.
# packages
# Path
#--------- work space ------------
setwd("/data/pingj/soft/tidyRnaEdit_exampledata/") # change to your_path_where_saved_the_outTables
#--------- path_data ------------
# sample_info (3 cols: filename, sampleid, group)
path_sample = "reditools_samples.xlsx" # change to your_path_where_saved_the_outTables
# anno (using `anno` in our package, or you can download from REDIportal)
path_anno = "TABLE1_hg38.txt.gz" # change to your_path_where_saved_the_outTables
#--------- path_save ------------
# root
path_save = "." # change to your save_directory_path
# editing_type
path_save_type = paste0(path_save, "") # change to your save_directory_path
# OverallEditing
path_save_overalledit = paste0(path_save, "") # change to your save_directory_path
# Read-in data
# sample info
sample_info = readxl::read_excel(path_sample)
# anno
anno = read.table(gzfile(path_anno), sep ='\t', fill=TRUE, header = TRUE)
# editing data
merged_data = read_redit(sample_info, soft = "reditools_known")
# save
write.csv(merged_data, file=gzfile(paste0(path_save,"/mat_raw.csv.gz")), row.names = FALSE)
merged_data = read.csv(gzfile(paste0(path_save,"/mat_raw.csv.gz")),header=TRUE)
# Then, you can do down-stream analysis, follow the `example run` section. Enjoy!