Jean Pierre Ureña (JP)'s repositories
Files and Exercises of the Course Programming Foundations with Python that belongs to the Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Path of Udacity
ASP Xtreme Evolution goal is to be a versatile MVC URL-Friendly base for Classic ASP applications with some additional features that are not ASP native. It should implement things that are common to most applications removing the pain of starting a new software and helping you to structure it so that you get things right from the beginning. Our key concepts are choice and freedom over limiting conventions, polyglotism, sustained quality, extensibility which we try to implement in a clean, maintainable and extensible way.
Cincinnatus Project about a checkers game in Pygame and Python
This is My Final Project of The Javascript Basics Course and my Personal Resume
Udacity full stack web dev nanodegree project 1. Movie trailer website generator in Python
Project skeleton for a python based Google App Engine project
This is the classic game of guess a number. It is made in Python 2.
This is all the File of the Exercises and Problems of the CS101 Udacity course
This is all The Files and Exercises of this Course
This is my first game made in Python and Pygame.
This is a mario bros game made in pygame and python. It is a very simple game and it is based on collisions. This is my second game made in pygame and python
Sistema de ventas creado en C# y SQL SERVER
This is one of the Cincinnatus Project Games. It is made in Pygame and Python.