JO3-W3B-D3V / JO3-W3B-D3V

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About Me

For more information, please visit my website. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Nerd Info

<!-- This section covers a bit about me. -->
<!-- AKA. The boring part ๐Ÿ˜ด ... -->
    Iโ€™m a young, ambitious & highly driven nerd, aiming <br/>
    to go far within the world of software engineering. I <br/>
    typically enjoy working with microservice or SOA architectures <br/>
    & I enjoy working across the entire stack. <br/>
    You could say that I'm a bilingual software engineer.

<b>I am always eager to learn more. ๐ŸŽ“</b>
// Return a list of tech that I'm passioante about. 
const myFavouriteTech = () => {
    return [
        "Cloud Technologies", //GCP, Azure, AWS, etc.
        "Progressive Web Applications" // HTML, CSS, etc.

public class Inspiration {

    // Return a list of nerds that really inspire me.
    public ArrayList<Nerd> getInspiration() {
        ArrayList<Nerd> nerds = new ArrayList<>();
        nerds.add(Nerd.builder().name("Martin Fowler").url("").build());
        nerds.add(Nerd.builder().name("Eric Elliott").url("").build());
        nerds.add(Nerd.builder().name("Krasimir Tsonev").url("").build());
        nerds.add(Nerd.builder().name("Raymond Camden").url("").build());
        nerds.add(Nerd.builder().name("Stefan Mischook").url("").build());
        nerds.add(Nerd.builder().name("Darcey Lloyd").url("").build());
        return nerds;
class JO3W3BD3V:
    def __init__(self):
        self.shortTermGoals = []
        self.shortTermGoals.append("Learn more about machine learning.")
        self.shortTermGoals.append("Learn more about big data.")
        self.shortTermGoals.append("Try to master RDBMS.")

        # Touch wood 
        self.shortTermGoals.append("Get some freelance projects on the side.")
    def getShortTermGoals(self):
        return self.shortTermGoals
me = JO3W3BD3V()

CREATE TABLE Experiences(
    title VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    company VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL,
    startDate VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL,
    endDate VARCHAR(7),
    description VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,

CREATE INDEX ExperiencesTitleIndx ON Experiences(title);
CREATE INDEX ExperiencesCompanyIndx ON Experiences(company);
CREATE INDEX ExperiencesStartDateIndx ON Experiences(startDate) USING BTREE;
CREATE INDEX ExperiencesEndDateIndx ON Experiences(endDate) USING BTREE;

INSERT INTO Experiences(title, company, startDate, endDate, description)
VALUES('Software Engineer', 'Lloyds Bank', '05/2020', NULL, 'I currently work in motor finance, where I currently use technologies including C#, Java, Angular, Jenkins, etc.'),
    ('Software Engineer', 'Admiral', '03/2019', '05/2020', 'I worked on the van insurance product(s), I used technologies like K8s, Azure, Azure DevOps, Docker, Angular & Java.'),
    ('Software Developer', 'Inngot', '05/2018', '03/2019', 'I worked mostly as a front end developer, using react, I would sometimes use Java for the back end.'),
    ('Web Developer', 'Cruise Nation', '12/2017', '05/2018', 'I worked as a front end developer, ensuring that the customer experience was my number one priroity.'),
    ('Juniour Web Developer', 'BVG', '02/2017', '12/2017', 'I worked as a full stack developer, though I mostly focused on implemengint pretty admin consoles, funky AJAX tools & increasing the performance of database queries.');
-- Get all of my past experiences.
SELECT * FROM Experiences;
