JHaack4 / CaveGen

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feel free to use/modify this tool as you see fit
If you have questions, ping the Pikmin Speedrunning or Hocotate Hacker Discord

Requires Java version 8 or later.
Click "Clone or Download" and download ZIP. Unzip it.
Run the tool by double clicking CaveViewer.jar, or run from the command line as below.

javac *.java --release 8 && jar cmf manifest.mf CaveGen.jar *.class
java CaveGen [args]
java -jar CaveGen.jar [args]

output (required) - folder that the images get sent to.
	seed - a folder such as "12345678" is generated for each seed
	cave - a folder such as "BK-4" is generated for this sublevel
	both - both folders are made
	none - no images are generated (tool runs much faster for collecting stats)
cave (required) - cave that gets generated.
	.txt file: e.g. caveinfo.txt
	group: "cmal" "story" "both" generates sublevels for the entire game
	abbreviation: e.g. BK, SCx, CH1, CH2, etc.
sublevelNum (required unless using a group) - sublevel to generate, or 0 for the entire cave
seed - seed to use (corresponds to Meeo's setseed code)
num - number of instances of each sublevel to create (be careful with this!)
consecutiveSeeds - seeds are checked in order of succesive rand() calls (useful for TAS)
challengeMode - spawns holes and items on normal mode (this is auto-set correctly for you)
storyMode - spawns holes and items on hard mode
noImages - no images generated
noPrints - no info printed to console
noStats - no stats report is generated to the !reports folder
region [us|jpn|pal] - changes treasure icons (default us)
251 - uses pikmin 251 caves
newYear - uses Pikmin 2: New Year caves
caveInfoReport - generates pictures containing all info about a sublevel
drawSpawnPoints - draws locations where things can spawn
drawSpawnOrder - draws order objects spawned in
drawAngles - draws angles that things are facing
drawDoorIds - draws door ids
drawTreasureGauge - draws rings to help you determine treasure gauge reads
drawHoleProbs - estimates contiditonal probabilities for the hole location in challenge mode
drawWayPoints - draws the waypoint graph
drawWPVertexDists - draws the distance from each waypoint to the pod
drawWPEdgeDists - draws the distance along each edge in the waypoint graph
drawAllWayPoints - does all three of the preceeding calls
drawScores - draws the game's internal scoring function for treasures and holes
drawDoorLinks - draws the game's internal scoring for distances
drawEnemyScores - draws the game's internal scoring for enemies
drawUnitHoleScores - draws the unitscores and doorscores for the hole phase
drawUnitItemScores - draws the unitscores and doorscores for the item phase
drawAllScores - does all five of the preceeding calls
drawNoWaterBox - doesn't draw the blue waterboxes
drawNoFallType - doesn't draw the falltype indicators
drawNoGateLife - doesn't draw the gate's life
drawNoObjects - doesn't draw any objects
findGoodLayouts 0.01 - runs a heuristic to only output images for the best 1% of layouts
requiredMapUnits unitType,rot,idFrom,doorFrom,doorTo;... - only outputs maps such that
	for the ith entry in this semicolon separated list, the ith map unit generated
	has this unit type and rotation, and is attached at the door with id doorTo
	to the map unit with id idFrom at the door with id doorFrom
judge attk|pod|at|key|cmat|score [<0.5%] [>12345] - runs various heuristics to score/rank
	levels, with optional filtering

java -jar CaveGen.jar seed story -seed 0x12345678 -drawSpawnPoints
  This generates images of all levels in story mode with that seed.
java -jar CaveGen.jar cave BK 4 -num 100 -seed 0 -consecutiveSeeds
  This generates images for 100 instances of BK4, checking seeds following 0.
java -jar CaveGen.jar none CH12 0 -num 10000
  This generates stats for 10000 instances of concrete maze, no images.
java -jar CaveGen.jar caveinfo.txt 0
  This generates the whole caveinfo.txt cave

0 Pink        = easy enemy (size = radius, num rings = max spawn count)
1 Red         = hard enemy
2 Orange      = treasure
4 Green       = hole spot
5 Grey        = door
6 Light green = plant
7 Teal        = starting spot
8 Purple      = special enemy
9 Blue        = alcove

0 nothing = not falling
1 purple  = fall if anything near
2 blue    = only fall if pikmin near
3 red     = only fall if leader near
4 orange  = only fall if pikmin carrying near
5 green   = only fall if a purple earthquake is nearby

0.5 ticks = cyan
1 tick    = yellow
2 ticks   = light blue
3 ticks   = red
4 ticks   = purple
5 ticks   = orange
6 ticks   = green
7 ticks   = brown
8 ticks   = blue

0 alcove
1 room
2 corridor


JHawk, 11/4/2019
special thanks to ice cube, Meeo, and Espyo for their help

If you want to learn about the spawning algorithm, you can read the code in CaveGen.java,
or watch this video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/499998582
To test your understanding, try the quiz below:

GENERAL QUESTIONS (for story mode)
1. What's the primary difference between the spawning algorithm in story mode and challenge mode?
2. Why is there a skewed distribution for the room that the pod spawns in?
3. Why is there a skewed distribution for the rooms that are used, despite the game's attempt to balance the rooms used?
4. What factors control how corridors spawn relatvie to rooms and alcoves?
5. What factors control how corridors branch out?
6. Can a corridor exist behind an alcove?
7. Where does the hole/geyser spawn?
8. What determines which and where enemies (possibly containing treasures) spawn?
9. Where do treasures (not in enemies) spawn? How does ordering matter? Which enemies matter?
10. What determines where enemies in alcoves spawn? How does ordering matter?
11. How do gates prioritize their spawning? If you see a gate between two rooms, what does that tell you about the alcoves?
12. Which direction does the camera face at the start of a sublevel?
13. How does the view during the comedown relate to view from pressing L at the start of the sublevel?
14. From how far away does the treasure gauge pick up a treasure?

15. In HoB 1, the probability that the treasure spawns in a room instead of an alcove is 9/16. Why?
16. Where do the mitites spawn in HoB 4?
17. In HoB 4, the card spawns in the spiral room if and only if there is a fire geyser or bulborb in the spiral room. Why?
18. Why does the hole sometimes appear not in an alcove in WFG 2? Is the probability of this occurance 1/8?
19. On SH 2, how can you tell if you have a mum or a flower, based solely on the location?
20. On SH 2, why does the strawberry never spawn in the water? Is the same true for the sushi and why?
21. How can you tell which bulborb holds the treasure in BK 1, without using the gauge?
22. What factors determine how many purple flowers spawn on BK 4?
23. If you've found the tape in SCx 1, what does that tell you about the location of the Nouveau Table? How about vice versa? What other sublevels does this logic extend to?
24. What is the probability of having to do rimwalk on SCx 5?
25. Why does the bolt in particular sometimes spawn close on SCx 6?
26. When does the hole spawn in a corridor in SCx 8?
27. Can a treasure spawn in a corridor in FC 3? How can you tell if you are in a corridor?
28. Why do the treasures sometimes spawn close on FC 4?
29. Why does the exit sometimes spawn close on FC 6?
30. On CoS3, if you see a gate with nothing visually behind it, what does that tell you? Why?
31. On GK4, the odds of high invigorator are 27.6%, while the odds of high chocolate are 28.8%. Why are these different?
32. Why does the treasure sometimes not spawn on SCx7? SC4? GK3? CoS4? How are all of these cases different?

1) Install Git (https://git-scm.com/downloads)
2) Install python 3.6+ (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
3) Use pip to install numpy and cv2
4) Install Java (https://www.java.com/en/download/)
5) Install OBS (https://obsproject.com/download)
6) Install the virtual cam plugin for OBS (https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/obs-virtualcam.949/)
7) Use Git to download CaveGen from GitHub (git clone https://github.com/jhaack4/CaveGen from the command line)
8) Configure OBS in some reasonable way (unobstructed game feed). Once you've set up the configuration, you can't change your layout.
9) Record a video of yourself playing. Make sure you get the letters from at least 2 different caves, one of which is WFG.
		Also, record yourself playing through a challenge mode level, where you get a score of exactly 1000 (including the results screen) (Red Chasm recommended)
10) For the rest of the time, you will be editing the file "config.txt". This is the only text file you will edit.
11) In the config, set video_path to the directory that your OBS videos are outputting to.
12) Set camera to the name of your video in the video_path folder (e.g. "vid.mp4")
13) Run "python setup_seed_detect.py" from the command line, in the CaveGen folder. You should see a playback of your video.
14) Use d/f/g to navigate through your video. Manually save frames using "s" for each of the following: Sublevel enter screens (after all of the letters have already fallen) (one per cave is fine),
		a full black fadeout, and the challenge mode results screen (make sure to get a few instances of each possible digit)
15) Navigate to output/!im. Here, you should see all of the images that you saved.
16) Rename the images. For story mode enters, name them e.g. "Emergence_Cave.png". Call the fadeout "fadeout.png".
		For each screen with digits, name the image using the digits e.g. "1234.png".
17) At this point, we will be editing the config so it can pull out important information from these pictures.
		Whenever the config is edited, you will rerun "python setup_seed_detect.py", which will generate new images in output/!im called out_*
18) In the config, edit the resize/crop parameters until you have cropped out just the game feed. Resizing to 1280x720 is recommended.
19) If the output from the setup_seed_detect recommends for you to change a parameter in the config, make that change.
20) Adjust the parameters letters_xscale/yscale/xoffset/yoffset until the letters line up in the output image e.g. output/!im/out_Emergence_Cave.png.
		You should be able to figure out the correct numbers via trial and error.
		Note, the story mode detection only works in English.
21) Adjust the parameter x_scrunch_limit until WFG lines up in the output image.
		For these two steps, you need the calibration to be pretty good, but not perfect. If it's off by <5 pixels, it's probably ok.
22) Run "seed detect pod" from the command line. Hopefully, it can pick up seeds from the video at this point.
		Note, the tool needs to know what sublevel you are entering, it doesn't try to figure that out for you.
		Use [ and ] until the Next expect is the sublevel you are about to enter. (use Shift-K to switch the expected captain)
23) Tweak the parameters digits_x/y/height/width/spacing until you crop out well shaped template digits
		(it's important to make these as perfectly spaced as possible. A digit should look the same regardless of its position)
24) Select a set of templates, and name them 0,1,...,9 and _.png. Replace the templates in files/templates/digits.
25) Run "seed manip attk" from the command line. Hopefully, it can pick up the seeds at this point.
26) From OBS, go to tools -> virtual cam. Hit start.
27) In the config, set the camera to 0,1,2,... and run "seed detect pod" or "seed manip attk" until you see your obs feed.
		If everything is working, you should be able to detect seeds at this point.
28) There are additional parameters in the config that you can play around with.
29) If you want to run the CMAL manip, you'll need to ask jhawk for a special file (which is too large to keep in github)
		You could generate it yourself with "seed timestable key|cmat|700k" but it would take ~2 days to compute.
30) To get updates, run "git stash && git pull && git stash pop". After you do this, double check config.txt for any conflicts.
31) To set up a JP config (which will need to be separate to your English config), you should do the following:
-Set language = Japanese
-Add -region jpn to the storyArgs (to see the right treasures)
-When running setup_seed_detect.py, Insead of naming images like "Emergence_Cave", you need to name them "_u59cb_u307e_u308a_u306e_u6d1e_u7a9f".
	You can copy these text strings from the bottom of the config file. You only need to test 1 cave for aligning characters. x_scrunch_limit does not matter.
-Finally, you need to make sure that the parameter "letterPosOffset" is correct. Hopefully, the default value of 164 will work for most people.
	But if not, you need to adjust it. To do this, record a video of yourself playing through BK. Then, run "seed detect pod".
	Look at the value of "offsetsum" printed out on the Command prompt. This value should be close to zero on average (within ~20).
	If it's not, adjust letterPosOffset by small amounts until it is.
-When doing runs, make sure to use Shift-A to set the anchor seed every so often.
32) Pull future updates with "cp config.txt config_backup.txt && git reset --hard && cp config_backup.txt config.txt"



Language:Java 89.0%Language:Python 10.9%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%