JC-B / ds-skills2-statistical-methods-in-pandas-lab-nyc-ds-skills-112618

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Statistical Methods in Pandas - Lab


In this lesson you'll get some hands on experience using some of the key summary statistics methods in Pandas.


You will be able to:

  • Understand and use the df.describe() and df.info() summary statistics methods
  • Use built-in Pandas methods for calculating summary statistics (.mean(), .std(), .count(), .sum(), .mean(), .median(), .std(), .var() and .quantile())
  • Apply a function to every element in a Series or DataFrame using s.apply() and df.applymap()

Getting Started

For this lab, we'll be working with a dataset containing information on various lego datasets. You will find this dataset in the file lego_sets.csv.

In the cell below:

  • Import pandas and set the standard alias of pd
  • Load in the lego_sets.csvdataset using the read_csv() function
  • Display the head of the DataFrame to get a feel for what we'll be working with
df = None

Getting DataFrame-Level Statistics

We'll begin by getting some overall summary statistics on the dataset. There are two ways we'll get this information-- .info() and .describe().

Using .info()

The .info() method provides us metadata on the DataFrame itself. This allows to answer questions such as:

  • What data type does each column contain?
  • How many rows are in my dataset?
  • How many total non-missing values does each column contain?
  • How much memory does the DataFrame take up?

In the cell below, call our DataFrame's .info() method.

Interpreting the Results

Read the output above, and then answer the following questions:

How many total rows are in this DataFrame? How many columns contain numeric data? How many contain categorical data? Identify at least 3 columns that contain missing values.

Write your answer below this line:

Answer question here...

Using .describe()

Whereas .info() provides statistics about the DataFrame itself, .describe() returns output containing basic summary statistics about the data contained with the DataFrame.

In the cell below, call the DataFrame's .describe() method.

Interpreting the Results

The output contains descriptive statistics corresponding to the columns. Use these to answer the following questions:

How much is the standard deviation for piece count? How many pieces are in the largest lego set? How many in the smallest lego set? What is the median val_star_rating?

Answer questions here...

Getting Summary Statistics

Pandas also allows us to easily compute individual summary statistics using built-in methods. Next, we'll get some practice using these methods.

In the cell below, compute the median value of the star_rating column.

Next, get a count of the total number of values in play_star_rating.

Now, compute the standard deviation of the list_price column.

If we bought every single lego set in this dataset, how many pieces would we have? Use the .sum() method on the correct column to compute this.

Now, let's try getting the value for the 90% quantile. Do this in the cell below.

Getting Summary Statistics on Categorical Data

For obvious reasons, most of the methods we've used so far only work with numerical data--there's no way to calculate the standard deviation of a column containing string values. However, there are some things that we can discover about columns containing categorical data.

In the cell below, get the .unique() values contained within the review_difficulty column.

Now, let's get the value_counts for this column, to see how common each is.

As you can see, these provide us quick and easy ways to get information on columns containing categorical information.

Using .applymap()

When working with pandas DataFrames, we can quickly compute functions on the data contained by using the applymap() function and passing in a lambda function.

For instance, we can use applymap() to return a version of the DataFrame where every value has been converted to a string.

In the cell below:

  • Call our DataFrame's .applymap() function and pass in lambda x: str(x)
  • Call our new string_df object's .info() method to confirm that everything has been cast to a string
string_df = None

Note that everything--even the NaN values, have been cast to a string in the example above.

Note that for pandas Series objects (such as a single column in a DataFrame), we can do the same thing using the apply() method.

This is just one example of how we can quickly compute custom functions on our DataFrame--this will become especially useful when we learn how to normalize our datasets in a later section!


In this lab, we learned how to:

  • Understand and use the df.describe() and df.info() summary statistics methods
  • Use built-in Pandas methods for calculating summary statistics (.mean(), .std(), .count(), .sum(), .mean(), .median(), .std(), .var() and .quantile())
  • Apply a function to every element in a Series or DataFrame using s.apply() and df.applymap()



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