JBelta / monster_shop_final

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Monster Shop Extensions - Bulk Discount


  • Fork this repository or use your existing project.
  • Clone your fork if you have forked.
  • When you are finished, push your code to your fork. (if you have forked)

Bulk Discount

General Goals

Merchants add bulk discount rates for all of their inventory. These apply automatically in the shopping cart, and adjust the order_items price upon checkout.

Completion Criteria

  1. Merchant Employees need full CRUD functionality on bulk discounts, and will be accessed a link on the merchant's dashboard.
  2. You will implement a percentage based discount:
    • 5% discount on 20 or more items
  3. A merchant can have multiple bulk discounts in the system.
  4. When a user adds enough quantity of a single item to their cart, the bulk discount will automatically show up on the cart page.
  5. A bulk discount from one merchant will only affect items from that merchant in the cart.
  6. A bulk discount will only apply to items which exceed the minimum quantity specified in the bulk discount. (eg, a 5% off 5 items or more does not activate if a user is buying 1 quantity of 5 different items; if they raise the quantity of one item to 5, then the bulk discount is only applied to that one item, not all of the others as well)
  7. When there is a conflict between two discounts, the greater of the two will be applied.
  8. Final discounted prices should appear on the orders show page.

Mod 2 Learning Goals reflected:

  • Database relationships and migrations
  • Advanced ActiveRecord
  • Software Testing

Additional Extensions

Users have multiple addresses

General Goal

Users will have more than one address associated with their profile. Each address will have a nickname like "home" or "work". Users will choose an address when checking out.

Completion Criteria

  1. When a user registers they will still provide an address, this will become their first address entry in the database and nicknamed "home".
  2. Users need full CRUD ability for addresses from their Profile page.
  3. An address cannot be deleted or changed if it's been used in a "shipped" order.
  4. When a user checks out on the cart show page, they will have the ability to choose one of their addresses where they'd like the order shipped.
  5. If a user deletes all of their addresses, they cannot check out and see an error telling them they need to add an address first. This should link to a page where they add an address.
  6. If an order is still pending, the user can change to which address they want their items shipped.

Implementation Guidelines

  1. Existing tests should still pass. Since you will need to make major changes to your database schema, you will probably break many tests. It's recommended that you focus on the completion criteria described above before going back and refactoring your code so that your existing tests still work.
  2. Every order show page should display the chosen shipping address.
  3. Statistics related to city/state should still work as before.

Merchant To-Do List

General Goals

Merchant dashboards will display a to-do list of tasks that need their attention.

Completion Criteria

  1. Merchants should be shown a list of items which are using a placeholder image and encouraged to find an appropriate image instead; each item is a link to that item's edit form.
  2. Merchants should see a statistic about unfulfilled items and the revenue impact. eg, "You have 5 unfulfilled orders worth $752.86"
  3. Next to each order on their dashboard, Merchants should see a warning if an item quantity on that order exceeds their current inventory count.
  4. If several orders exist for an item, and their summed quantity exceeds the Merchant's inventory for that item, a warning message is shown.

Implementation Guidelines

  1. Make sure you are testing for all happy path and sad path scenarios.

Mod 2 Learning Goals reflected:

  • MVC and Rails development
  • Database relationships and migrations
  • ActiveRecord
  • Software Testing


Feature Completeness Rails ActiveRecord Testing and Debugging
4: Exceptional One or more additional extension features complete. Students implement strategies not discussed in class to effectively organize code and adhere to MVC. Highly effective and efficient use of ActiveRecord beyond what we've taught in class. Even .each calls will not cause additional database lookups. Very clear Test Driven Development. Test files are extremely well organized and nested. Students utilize before :each blocks. 100% coverage for features and models
3: Passing Bulk discount feature 100% complete, including most sad paths and edge cases Students use the principles of MVC to effectively organize code. Students can defend any of their design decisions. ActiveRecord is used in a clear and effective way to read/write data using no Ruby to process data. 100% coverage for models. 98% coverage for features. Tests are well written and meaningful. All preexisting tests still pass. TDD Process is clear throughout commits. Sad paths and edge cases are covered in testing.
2: Passing with Concerns One to two of the completion criteria for Bulk Discount feature is not complete or fails to handle a big sad path or edge case Students utilize MVC to organize code, but cannot defend some of their design decisions. Or some functionality is not limited to the appropriately authorized users. Ruby is used to process data that could use ActiveRecord instead. Feature test coverage between 90% and 98%, or model test coverage below 100%, or tests are not meaningfully written or have an unclear objective. Missing sad path or edge case testing.
1: Failing More than two of the completion criteria for Bulk Discount feature is not complete or fails to handle a sad path or edge case Students do not effectively organize code using MVC. Or students do not authorize users. Ruby is used to process data more often than ActiveRecord Below 90% coverage for either features or models. TDD was not used.



Language:Ruby 89.2%Language:HTML 9.8%Language:JavaScript 0.6%Language:CSS 0.4%