J-Siu / lazy_collection

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Intended to save time, especially from things that are very repetitive across projects.


  • supply common, acceptable defaults
  • shorthands for common, repetitive tasks



Name Api Stable Description
HttpClient.dart yes A [http.BaseClient] wrapper class taking [headers] parameter.
base.dart partial Collection of static functions and constants
flutter.dart no Collection of static functions and constants for Flutter
extensions/ yes Extensions for ByteData, DateTime, List, String, Uint8List
g_apis/ yes [GDrive],[GSign],[GSync]
theme_provider.dart yes A wrapper function to setup a default ThemeProvider from 'package:theme_provider/theme_provider.dart'
widgets/ partial About,SpinningWidget are stable, Switch, LabeledSwitch still require some work


Name Api Stable Description
GDrive yes A wrapper class for Google DriveApi with following methods: [create], [get], [list], [searchLatest].
GSignIn yes [GoogleSignIn] wrapper class with a [signInHandler]. Build in listener for account status change, and a [GSignInMsg] notifier [msg]
GSync yes A bridge between [GDrive], [GSignIn] and local data/content for syncing to and from Google Drive appData space.

Getting started

flutter pub add lazy


[Working progress, examples will be added]

To prevent type collision, alway import with as lazy as follow:

import 'package:lazy_collection/lazy_collection.dart' as lazy;

Additional information

Package still in early stage.


License:MIT License


Language:Dart 100.0%