J-DubApps / J-DubApps.github.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Everything here is MIT Licensed. Attribution is always appreciated.

Julianwest.me landing-page design is sourced from HTML5 UP (http://html5up.net) Thanks to Scott Kyle & Appden for the tip (https://github.com/appden/appden.github.com).

Over time all Julianwest.me static content will be migrated to Jekyll. Read more about Jekyll here: https://jekyllrb.com

Jekyll is an elegant "CMS" that focuses on text and static pages rather than using a database and dynamic pages. It's maintained by the GitHub team and well-worth a look.

Blogger, Squarespace, and Ghost

I used these platforms during the lifespan of julianwest.me and the now-defunct mydigitalpathos.com, and I loved many things about each platofrm. I think those solutions were great, especially for non-programmers, and overall better for that audience than Wordpress or Movabletype, though way less flexible. Managing templates is annoying, and the more I have delved back into programming the past 5 years the more annoying it becomes. So I have migrated my main site to GitHub Pages / Jekyll, and my blog to Medium (blog.julianwest.me). A bit less to maintain, design-wise, and more opportunity to just write or code without living in JavaScript-based templates and frequent CSS document tweaking.

Julian West -2016



Language:CSS 42.2%Language:JavaScript 32.4%Language:SCSS 19.6%Language:HTML 5.8%