These are the new Codegram vimfiles! Slightly changed by me, still cleaning up the mess though.
Clone this repo:
$ git clone ~/.vim
$ rm ~/.vimrc && ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
Install Vundle:
$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
Set up your ~/vimrc.local
with your custom plugins, themes, for example:
" Color theme
Bundle 'sjl/badwolf'
colorscheme badwolf
Open up Vim, and issue this command:
TA-DA! Everything's done!
- The leader key is
renames current file, asking for the new name.
- Arrow keys are disabled.
is mapped to<ESC>
, so you don't have to reach out to<ESC>
clears the search.
maps to:w!
: it saves the current buffer.,q
maps to:wqa!
: it saves all buffers and quits.<tab>
rotates among open buffers.<leader>d
closes the current buffer.<leader>D
closes ALL the buffers.
opens a new vertical split and switches to it.<C-h>
switches to the left split.<C-j>
switches to the split below.<C-k>
switches to the split above.<C-l>
switches to the right split.
runs the current test file (RSpec, MiniTest or Cucumber).,T
runs the specific test under the cursor (RSpec or Cucumber).
to toggle Paste mode (to paste stuff from the system clipboard).,gb
in Visual mode to perform agit blame
on the selected lines.test
Use Ag (the silver searcher) to search through your code.
performs an Ag search.<C-n>
: Rotate among results.
Auto-closes, parens, curly braces, everything.
First, brew install ctags
and run the ctags -R .
command on your working
directory to generate the tag list.
to go to the definition of the word under the cursor (constant, method, whatever<C-p>
to come back.<F7>
to rotate among multiple definitions of the same tag.<Leader>c
to search among tags with the CtrlP plugin.<Leader>b
to toggle the Tagbar
Puts end
after a method definition, if clause, etc. (Ruby)
Use Git from Vim.
: Git status.,gc
: Git commit.
:Gist [-p|-P]
: Post a [p]rivate or [P]ublic gist with the current buffer. You can also run it from Visual mode to post only a part.
Integration with Rails.
changes surround from"
surrounds inside the word with"
Comments any kind of code.
: In visual mode, comments the selected block.