ItemConsulting / lib-xp-cristin

Enonic XP library for retreiving data from Cristin and storing it locally

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cristin Library for Enonic XP

Cristin is a service that gathers and makes available information about Norwegian research.

Note This library is a companion to the xp-cristin application

This library is used to fetch data from the Cristin APIs, or read the data stored in a local repo by xp-cristin.


To install this library you need to add a new dependency to your app's build.gradle file.


repositories {
  maven { url '' }

dependencies {
  include "com.enonic.xp:lib-portal:${xpVersion}"
  include "com.enonic.xp:lib-repo:${xpVersion}"
  include "com.enonic.xp:lib-node:${xpVersion}"
  include "com.enonic.xp:lib-value:${xpVersion}"
  include "com.enonic.lib:lib-http-client:3.1.0"
  include "no.item:lib-xp-cristin:1.0.15"


Getting Cristin data by ID

For most cases using the functions in "/lib/cristin" is the most effective way to get Cristin data.

When calling these functions the following happens:

  1. Check if the data with that Cristin ID is found in the local repo
  2. If not, fetch it from the Cristin API and save it to the repo
  3. Return the data (or void if it doesn't exist)

The following functions to get a single entity are exported from "/lib/cristin":

  • getCristinPerson(id)
  • getCristinInstitution(id)
  • getCristinProject(id)
  • getCristinUnit(id)
  • getCristinResult(id)
  • getCristinResultContributors(id) (Returns an Array of contributors for a single Result)

The following functions to get Arrays of entries are exported from "/lib/cristin":

  • getCristinPersons(ids)
  • getCristinInstitutions(ids)
  • getCristinProjects(ids)
  • getCristinUnits(ids)
  • getCristinResults(ids)

Example usage in an XP service:

var cristinLib = require('/lib/cristin');

exports.get = function() {
  const person = cristinLib.getCristinPerson("12345")
  return {
    status: 200,
    body: {
      person: person

Fetch only from API

It is also possible to not use the local repo, and only get the data fresh from the API

The following functions to get a single entry are exported from "/lib/cristin/service":

  • fetchPersons({ id })
  • fetchProject({ id })
  • fetchResult({ id })
  • fetchResultContributors({ id })
  • fetchInstitution({ id })
  • fetchUnit({ id })

The following functions to get an Array of entries are exported from "/lib/cristin/service":

  • fetchPersons(params)
  • fetchProjects(params)
  • fetchResults(params)
  • fetchPersonResults(params)
  • fetchInstitutions(params)
  • fetchResultCategories(params)
  • fetchUnits(params)

Only get from local repo (no API usage)

The following functions to get a single entry are exported from "/lib/cristin/storage":

  • lookupPerson(id)
  • lookupInstitution(id)
  • lookupProject(id)
  • lookupUnit(id)
  • lookupResult(id)
  • lookupResultContributors(id)

The following functions to get an Array of entries are exported from "/lib/cristin/storage":

  • lookupPerson(ids)
  • lookupInstitution(ids)
  • lookupProject(ids)
  • lookupUnit(ids)
  • lookupResult(ids)
  • lookupResultContributors(ids)

Graphql Schemas

This library also exports GraphQL-definitions for use with the Guillotine library.

Names as strings

The following names as strings are exported from "/lib/cristin/graphql":


The following functions to create GraphQL object types are exported from "/lib/cristin/graphql":

  • createObjectTypeCristinPerson(context, options)
  • createObjectTypeCristinInstitution(context, options)
  • createObjectTypeCristinProject(context, options)
  • createObjectTypeCristinResult(context, options)
  • createObjectTypeCristinResultCategory(context, options)
  • createObjectTypeCristinUnit(context, options)

The following reference() types are exported from "/lib/cristin/graphql" (for usage after the object types has been registered):

  • GraphQLCristinPerson
  • GraphQLCristinInstitution
  • GraphQLCristinProject
  • GraphQLCristinResult
  • GraphQLCristinUnit

Example usage in Guillotine controller:

var guillotineLib = require("/lib/guillotine");
var cristinLib = require("/lib/cristin");
var cristinGraphqlLib = require("/lib/cristin/graphql");

var schema = guillotineLib.createSchema({
  applications: ["com.myapp"],
  creationCallbacks: {
    com_myapp_Employee_Data: function(context, params) {
      // Register GraphQL object types for Cristin objects needed
      params.fields.cristinProfile = {
        // Use the reference type (`reference("no_item_cristin_Person")`)
        type: cristinGraphqlLib.GraphQLCristinPerson,
        resolve: function(env) {
          return cristinLib.getCristinPerson(env.source.cristinProfileId);



To build he project run the following code

./gradlew build

Deploy locally

Deploy locally for testing purposes:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Deploy to Jitpack

Go to the Jitpack page for lib-xp-cristin to deploy from Github.


Enonic XP library for retreiving data from Cristin and storing it locally

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 90.3%Language:JavaScript 9.7%