IslamKhSh / HealthInPocket

Medical app for getting medical measurements and store it in patient profile.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Health In Pocket

Health In Pocket

A medical App that can get medical measurements from the patient using some sensors connected via Bluetooth and also can store with the patient account to build patient medical history.

Health In Pocket

In this App I implemented many Android topics as:

  • Firebase: Auth & Database.
  • Android Architecture components.
  • MVVM pattern design.
  • Butterknife.

To try this app Download it now

To use this project (you must have the hardware components) then follow this steps:

1- Change the MAC address constant in the Constants class with the MAC address of your bluetooth module:

 //bluetooth module MAC address
 public static final String DEVICE_ADDRESS = "98:D3:32:20:BF:ED";

2- Pair your bluetooth module with your Mobile.

3- Create your firebase project and configure it with your android project.

4- Let's go.


Medical app for getting medical measurements and store it in patient profile.


Language:Java 100.0%