Ishan-sinha / Bike-Hiring-App

Created a bike rental system for commercial usage which shall act as an interface between local bike rental vendors near VIT Vellore campus to the students of the university thus easing the access of more bikes and a transparent system for hiring.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bike Rental Application

Build Status Maintainability codecov Known Vulnerabilities

1. Introduction

This is the server component of an application that is used for renting or leasing cycles.


New Changes include better optimization of server, easy and faster navigation, faster loadability of the server and parallel operation and execution.

2. Requirements

3. Getting started

  1. Open terminal
  2. mvn dependency:resolve
  3. mvn clean compile install
  4. mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true
  5. From eclipse, File –> Import –> Existing Project into workspace
  6. Create initial Database Tables: java -jar target/bike-rental-app-0.1.jar db migrate dev.yml
  7. Can be run using com.csl456.BikeRentalApplication server dev.yml or
java -jar bike-rental-app-0.1.jar server dev.yml

4. Miscellaneous:

4.1. Database Operations:

4.1.1. Check if database state matches:

java -jar bike-rental-app-0.1.jar db status dev.yml

4.1.2. Prepare rollback for migration (before applying migrations):

java -jar bike-rental-app-0.1.jar db prepare-rollback dev.yml

4.1.3. Migrate database changes:

Please use --dry-run first

java -jar bike-rental-app-0.1.jar db migrate dev.yml


Created a bike rental system for commercial usage which shall act as an interface between local bike rental vendors near VIT Vellore campus to the students of the university thus easing the access of more bikes and a transparent system for hiring.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%