IsQiao / mlu-exporter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cambricon MLU Exporter

Prometheus exporter for Cambricon MLU metrics, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors.


The prerequisites for running Cambricon MLU Exporter:

  • MLU270, MLU270-X5K, MLU220, MLU290, MLU370 devices
  • MLU driver >= 4.20.9
  • cntoolkit >= 2.8.2 on your building machine

For MLU driver version 4.9.x, please use release v1.5.3.

Installation and Usage

Preparing your MLU Nodes

It is assumed that the Cambricon driver and neuware are installed on your MLU Nodes.

Download and build

git clone
cd mlu-exporter

Set the following environment variables if you need.

env description
APT_PROXY apt proxy address
GOPROXY golang proxy address
ARCH target platform architecture, amd64 or arm64, amd64 by default
LIBCNDEV absolute path of the binary, neuware installation path by default
LIBCNPAPI absolute path of the binary, neuware installation path by default
BASE_IMAGE mlu exporter base image

Docker should be >= 17.05.0 on your building machine. If you want to cross build, make sure docker version >= 19.03.

for amd64:


for arm64:

ARCH=arm64 GOPROXY= ./

Please make sure Cambricon neuware is installed in your compiling environment. It uses binary in your compiling machine and generates Cambricon MLU exporter docker images under folder ./image.



Load the image you built in ./image folder on your node.

Use the following command to start the exporter.

docker run -d \
-p 30108:30108 \
--privileged=true \
--pid=host \
-e ENV_NODE_NAME={nodeName} \

Then use the following command to get the metrics.

curl localhost:30108/metrics

If you want to configure command args by yourself , see the following example:

docker run -d \
-p 30108:30108 \
-v examples/metrics.yaml:/etc/mlu-exporter/metrics.yaml \
--privileged=true \
--pid=host \
cambricon-mlu-exporter:v1.6.7 \
mlu-exporter \
--metrics-config=/etc/mlu-exporter/metrics.yaml \
--metrics-path=/metrics \
--port=30108 \
--hostname=hostname \
--metrics-prefix=mlu \
--collector=cndev \

Command Args Description

arg description
metrics-config configuration file of MLU exporter metrics
metrics-path metrics path of the exporter service
hostname machine hostname, or env:"ENV_NODE_NAME"
port exporter service port
metrics-prefix prefix of all metric names
collector collector names, cndev by default

available collectors:

  • cndev: collects basic MLU metrics
  • podresources: collects MLU usage metrics in containers managed by Kubernetes. For Kubernetes lower than 1.15, make sure KubeletPodResources feature gate is enabled by setting the feature-gates kubelet option in your kubelet configuration.
  • cnpapi: collects cnpapi pmu api metrics. It does not support SR-IOV. Please note that cnpapi can only be used by one single process on a machine. Not recommended for production scenarios.
  • host: collects host machine metrics

And set the metrics configuration file passed by your metrics-config arg as you like, see examples/metrics.yaml for an example.

Kubernetes And Prometheus

Load the image you built in ./image folder on your node.

kubectl apply -f examples/cambricon-mlu-exporter-cm.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/cambricon-mlu-exporter-ds.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/cambricon-mlu-exporter-svc.yaml

You can also set the command args described above as you like in the MLU exporter daemonset spec.

use the command to get the endpoint

kubectl get ep -n kube-system -l app=exporter-mlu-monitoring

curl http://{endpoints}/metrics to get the metrics.

And if you want to create a Prometheus service monitor

kubectl apply -f examples/cambricon-mlu-exporter-sm.yaml

Then checkout your Prometheus to get the MLU metrics.

Group Metrics

In a Kubernetes cluster, if the podresources collector is enabled, you can get namespace/pod/container info of an allocated MLU by the metric mlu_container.

To attach namespace/pod/container info to another MLU metric, use mlu_container as the following example in your Prometheus:

mlu_power_usage * on(uuid) group_right mlu_container

And for SR-IOV VFs:

mlu_virtual_function_utilization * on(uuid,vf) group_right mlu_container

Metrics and Labels

For installation by docker, you can modify the configuration file you passed by metrics-config arg to change metric and label names.

For Kubernetes, you can modify the MLU exporter configMap to change metric and label names.

For MLU370, mlu_temperature does not support cluster temperature, all cluster temperature metrics are set to 0.

Upgrade Notice

Please see changelog for deprecation and breaking changes.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 50.5%Language:C 47.2%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:Makefile 0.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.4%