Irrelon / emitter

Simple JavaScript Event Emitter

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Irrelon Emitter



import { Emitter } from "@irrelon/emitter";
const emitter = new Emitter();

// When the emit() call is made at the end of this
// example this listener will be called with
// `isEnabled = true` and `id = "1234"`. You can pass
// any number of arguments when calling emit() and
// they will be recieved in order by your listeners
emitter.on("someEvent", (isEnabled, id) => {

emitter.emit("someEvent", true, "1234");

TypeScript Compatibility

TypeScript based projects can benefit from type safety if you declare the event listener function signatures via an interface as shown below

import { Emitter } from "@irrelon/emitter";

interface MyEvents {
    event1: (name: string) => number;

// Pass your interface to the Emitter instantiation
const emitter = new Emitter<MyEvents>();

// This will show a typescript error because the 
// first argument of the event1 listener should be
// a string, and the listener should return a number
// instead of void.
emitter.on("event1", (isEnabled: boolean) => {

// This will not error as it satisfies the
// MyEvents.event1 event listener signature
emitter.on("event1", (name: string) => {
    return 18;

// This will error because a string argument is
// expected and none is provided to the call

// This will not error as you are passing the
// expected string argument
emitter.emit("event1", "John Smith");

Extending The Emitter Class

import { Emitter } from "@irrelon/emitter";

class MyClass extends Emitter {
    async someAsyncFunc () {
        await this.emit('myEvent', myData, myOtherData);

    someFunc () {
        this.emit('myEvent', myData, myOtherData);

Your class now inherits the emitter methods:

  • on
  • off
  • once
  • emit
  • emitId
  • emitStatic
  • emitStaticId
  • cancelStatic
  • deferEmit
  • willEmit

EcmaScript Modules and CommonJS Modules

The package includes both ESM and CJS modules for ease of use. Use import to get the ESM version, and require() to get the CJS version.

Install via NPM / Yarn:

npm i @irrelon/emitter
yarn add @irrelon/emitter

Include in Your Application

import {Emitter} from "@irrelon/emitter";


var Emitter = require("@irrelon/emitter");


Include the Emitter.js file in your HTML (the path depends on where you've put the file)

<script src="./dist/esm/src/Emitter.js" type="module"></script>


Simple JavaScript Event Emitter



Language:TypeScript 89.0%Language:JavaScript 10.8%Language:Shell 0.2%