Entry for Game Off 2021
- Thought about the 'bug' theme, going through ideas like a game with programming bugs you have to fix (too big), to being a character walking through bushes to scatter bugs to be collected (seems reasonable)
- Setup repo after work and started this diary, still not sure on complete game idea, but the above bushes/scattering bugs seems reasonable
- Another idea came to mind of a spider in a web, waiting for bugs, and having to start timed events, such as when the spider bites, waiting for the venom to do its work, then spending time wrapping, when other bugs that may be stuck to the web could be trying to escape
- Definitely the spider in a web idea
- Letting the idea percolate in my head...
- Lots of real life work
- Changed game idea to a dungeon crawler with a spider as the player character and bugs as the enemies