IrcDirk / WackysDatabase

RecipeCustomization + Recipe LVL station + Server Sync + OpenDatabase

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


WackysDatabase by Wackymole Version 1.2.5

The short summary is OpenDatabase + ServerSync + Recipecustomization + Armor Customization + PieceLvlRequirements + some other small fields + item/piece/recipe cloning + material changing for cloned items/pieces + name changing for items/pieces(translating)


  • WackysDatabase is a mod for Valheim it requires BepInEx for Valheim.
  • With this mod you are able to control all items/recipes/pieces via JSON files.
  • WackysDatabase also allows you to make clone/mock of these objects as well.
  • This mod is one of the last to load in the game.
  • As such it can touch almost all normal and modded objects which is the primary goal for this mod, but cloned objects may not behave well with some mods.
  • You can not load into singleplayer and then load into Multiplayer. - No easy cheating

General Knowledge

There are three (3) Objects that WackyDB touches. Items, Recipes, Pieces.

Items are things in your inventory, you can pickup and maybe equip.

Recipes are used to construct items, CraftingStations can be workbench, forge, or hand crafted (craftingStation": "")

Pieces are what you use in your hammer and hoe to construct or plant. piecehammers


Download and extract the latest version of WackysDatabase into the BepInEx plugin folder (usually Valheim/BepInEx/plugins )

Now run Valheim and join a world. After that go to Valheim/BepInEx/config/. There should be a folder called wackysDatabase, inside of that folder are currently three folders /Items/ /Recipes/ and /Pieces/. Old wackyDatabase was in plugins, this should automatically be moved.

Put the mod on the Server to force Server Sync. The Jsons files only have to be on the Server. No need to share the Jsons.

For Multiplayer, the mod has been locked down to prevent easy cheating, but I recommend and as well.

Warning 1.2.5 and Lower will delete wackysDatabase folder in Plugins on Update, please backup.

Configuration file BepInEx/config/WackyMole.WackysDatabase.cfg

The configs and their defaults are:

Force Server Config = true // forces server sync

Enable this mod = true

IsDebug = true // tells you what is being loaded/ other basic actions

StringisDebug = false // debugs your strings.. extra logs

IsAutoReload = false // auto reloads instead of wackydb_reload

Console Commands

wackydb_reload - Primary way to reload all the Json files in wackysDatabase folder

wackydb_dump [item/recipe/piece] [ItemName] - dump individual preloaded object to log

wackydb_dump_all - writes a dump log file for all previously loaded info. May or may not work with clones. (doesn't work on multiplayer)

wackydb_save_recipe [ItemName] - saves a Recipe Json in wackysDatabase Recipe Folder

wackydb_save_piece [ItemName] - saves a Piece for easy editing in Json (piecehammer only works for clones)

wackydb_save_item [ItemName] - saves a Item Json in wackysDatabase Item Folder

wackydb_help -- commands

wackydb_clone [recipe/item/piece] [Prefab to clone] [Unique name for the clone] - clone an object and change it differently than a base game object.

  • For Example: wackydb_clone item SwordIron WackySword

There is a optional 4th parameter for clone RECIPES ONLY [original item prefab to use for recipe](Optional 4th parameter for a cloned item's recipes ONLY) For example you can already have item WackySword loaded in game, but now want a recipe. WackySword Uses SwordIron - wackydb_clone recipe WackySword RWackySword SwordIron - otherwise manually edit

wackydb_clone_recipeitem [Prefab to clone] [clone name](clones item and recipe at same time)( Recipe name will be Rname) - instead of cloning an item and then recipe, do both at once. Saves you the trouble of manually editing recipe name and prefab.

wackydb_vfx - future use

wackydb_material - saves a Materials.txt file in wackysDatabase for the different types of materials you can use for cloned items/pieces.

General Options:

-Don't use the '@' symbol. I use it to break strings apart. It will break everything.

name: is GameObject name must be unique
m_name: is the in game name - can be used for translating
clone: whether an object is a clone or not - true/false
clonePrefabName: if it is a clone, the object needs to reference the original prefab.

Item Options:

Glowing Red BronzeSword

cloneMaterial: You can change the material(colorish) of a cloned object. Images on nexus of the various changes you can make. Use wackydb_material to view a list of materials. Probably up to a 1/3 don't work or make the object invisible.

m_damages: how much and what type of damage is inflicted.

m_damagesPerLevel: how much and what type of damage per upgraded lvl

m_armor: If object is equitable, like armor. Gives armor value to player

m_value: if value is >0. Then the object becomes salable at Trader. The Object Description gets a yellow Valuable notice. Just like base game you don't know what object you are selling to Trader.

damageModifiers: - From - Thx aedenthorn - I did added water damage in 1.1.8

Damage modifiers are a list of colon-separated pairs, e.g. for the Wolf Chest armor: - "damageModifiers":["Frost:Resistant"]

The first value is the damage type, the second value is the resistance level.

Valid damage types include:

Blunt Slash Pierce Chop Pickaxe Physical Fire Frost Lightning Elemental Poison Spirit Water

Normal - no change
Resistant - increases Wet status countdown speed by 100%
Weak - decreases Wet status countdown speed by 1/3
Immune - prevents Wet status effect
Ignore - prevents Wet status effect
VeryResistant - prevent wet status effect application except when swimming, increases Wet status countdown speed by 100%
VeryWeak - decreases Wet status countdown speed by 2/3

Valid resistence levels include:

Normal Resistant Weak Immune Ignore VeryResistant VeryWeak

m_blockPower: Very useful for shields m_blockPowerPerLevel:

m_timedBlockBonus is the Parry bonus

m_attackStamina set both Primary and Secondary attacks. Will expand upon in future.

The rest you can probably figure out.

Piece Options:

piecehammer: default is the Hammer or Hoe: it can't really check for modded Hammers. Change this to the modded hammer prefab manually.

adminonly: Makes certain pieces only for admins.

craftingStation: What craftingstation needs to be near you to build the piece. Default: $piece_workbench

minStationLevel: Checks what level craftingstation is needed before building piece.

reqs: requirements to build: Item:amount:amountPerLevel:refundable,

cloneMaterial: You can change the material(colorish) of any (1.2.4) object. Images on nexus of the various changes you can make.

  • Use wackydb_material to view a list of materials. Probably up to a 1/3 don't work or make the object invisible. "material1,material2" (full,half health)(no spaces)
  • Otherwise "material1", one material results in material being pasted for both full health and half-health. "same_mat" or "no_wear" sets pieces to have no wear material.
  • Should work for any piece at full health, some pieces change textures and models at 3/4 and 1/2 health, this won't stop them from changing. Maybe in future.

Recipe Options:

Cloned recipes need a unique name.

1.2.4 Expanded Recipe Compatibility to Recipe_ ( Modification only, no cloning)

If cloning a recipe of a cloned item, clonePrefabName needs to be cloned item prefab.

Recipe searches for prefab to put recipe next to it.

Arrows x50 will be put above Arrow x20

reqs: requirements to build: Item:amount:amountPerLevel:refundable,


    Version 1.2.5
        Moved wackysDatabase to Config instead of Plugins folder to stop r2mod from deleting folder on updates.
        Warning 1.2.4 and Lower will delete wackysDatabase folder in Plugins on Update, please backup.
    Version 1.2.4 
        Expanded Recipe Compatibility to Recipe_ ( Modification only, no cloning),  Can now change any material's type,
        category, craftingstation instead of just clones. Cannot change piecehammer of non clones. You can now set the piece's 
        material at 50% health. If you only set 1 it sets to both "full health" and "half health" otherwise,
        "material1, material2" (full, half health). "same_mat" or "no_wear" sets pieces to have no wear material. 
        Updated ServerSync and PieceManager
    Version 1.1.9
        Bug Fixes. Cleaned up Logs
    Version 1.1.8
        Fixed two main bugs,
        Properly unloading cloned assets on logout.
        Made it so some errors are caught better.
        Incorporated Water Resistance as done by aedenthorn.
    Version 1.1.5
        Cleaned up the code a lot. Fixed Pieces from getting null values from Server.
        Fixed the piece disable/admin for custom pieces.
        Made it so you can clone stone_floor (4x4 stone prefab) - editing it probably won't make it add to Hammer
        Added special case list for objects that have multiple Gameobjects. (Bow, SpearBronze)
    Version 1.10
        All About Pieces with this Update!
        Adds ability to clone an existing CraftingStation piece and make it a new CraftingStation 
            - The CraftingStation name is "name", add recipes to it with this name.
        Fixed other mods custom pieces. You should be able access and even clone other mods pieces now.
        Added piecehammerCategory so you can change the category where piece appears on the hammer. 
            - Mods might use numbers instead of words though.
        Added m_knockback Added m_backstabbonus Made m_attackStamina set both Primary and Secondary attacks.
    Version 1.05
        Mod Release

Last notes:

This mod should load last. It needs to so it can touch all other mods.

You can make changes to that OP bow and make it more realistic on damage or build requirements. Or even set a build piece to adminonly.

clone the Item and change the material to make it a more appealing color.

Submit pull requests to . The primary purpose of this mod is to edit objects, not to create clones/mocks.

Bugs/Incompatible Mods:

(Note!: If you want json files to have default values, close the game and delete the wackysDatabase folder).

Planned features

  • Able to modify item data.
  • Able to modify recipes.
  • Able to modify pieces.
  • Able to modify materials on clones
  • Custom items/pieces
  • Custom recipes
  • Able to modify effects - Probably won't happen without someone elses help. wackydb_vfx - generates vfx text file, but there are other effect objects. Wackymole

Credits: A Lot of the credit goes to aedenthorn and all of his Many Mods! Thank you AzumattDev for the template. It is very good Thanks to the Odin Discord server, for being active and good for the valheim community. Do whatever you want with this mod. // except sale it as per Aedenthorn Permissions Taking from Azu OpenDatabase code and the orginal now. CustomArmor code from Thank you to Azumatt and Aedenthorn and the JVL team.


RecipeCustomization + Recipe LVL station + Server Sync + OpenDatabase

License:MIT No Attribution


Language:C# 100.0%