Inventsable / GitinitAHK

Automate repository creation and syncing to GitHub in just two clicks (with much more)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

---  3/26/18  -  Gitinit launch

NOTE: The default repository is GitinitAHK/Sandbox and can be modified in code to be at any specified location, all 3 can be changed at any time with the Directories > Change Dir# selections.

See for visual guides, hotkey chart and flowchart.

This is a script for creating empty repositories and syncing them to GitHub, speeding up the workflow for commits and basic actions, and supplementing GitBash with Windows-friendly hotkeys.


With GitBash running and in the target directory (with [OPT] as an optional step):

  1) Create a New Repository on GitHub and copy the link to your clipboard.

  2) (All below steps with GitBash active) Press F22 or use "Create New Repository" = Create a new repository framework. You will be prompted to name it (which needs to be the same as your GitHub repo, spaces automatically convert) and then add a single line of text for the Read Me.

  3) CTRL + Numpad1 = Submit "git init" to initialize this repo

  4) CTRL + SHIFT + Numpad2 = Submit "git add ." to stage all files

  5) [OPT] CTRL + Numpad0 = Submit "git status" to verify staging is correct

  6) CTRL + Numpad3 = Prompt for the commit message, type in your comment and submit with Enter

  7) CTRL + SHIFT + Numpad1 = Prompt "git remote add origin", paste your GitHub link here and press Enter

  8) CTRL + SHIFT + Numpad3 = Submit "git push -u origin master" to sync to GitHub. 

  9) All done! Now reload your GitHub page to see.


The above can be done in three steps, and two hotkeys which contain macros for key input.

  1) Create a New Repository on GitHub and copy the link to your clipboard.

  2) Use "Create New Repository" option from the taskbar, name your repo and provide a short description for the ReadMe.

  3) Use "Automate First Commit" and paste the GitHub link when prompted to init, stage, commit and push to GitHub. 

  4) All done!


  1) Press CTRL + Numpad2 and type in the file/folder to update, or CTRL + SHIFT + Numpad2 to update all.
  2) CTRL + Numpad3 to commit with prompt for message.

  3) CTRL + SHIFT + Numpad3 to push to GitHub.  

||| HOTKEYS |||

^ = CTRL
! = ALT

	^+BackSpace:: clear
	^v::          (Overrides GitBash for normal Paste)

(If you don't have these, change them in the script
 or use the Taskbar icon menu to access them)
        F22::   Create new repository framework
       ^F22::   Sync Repository to Github
        F23::   Go to Directory1 in GitBash
       ^F23::	Go to Directory2 in GitBash
       +F23::	Go to Directory3 in GitBash
	F24::   Open Windows explorer window of current directory in GitBash

Arrow Keys 
	^Up::      cd ..
	^+Up::     cd ../../
	^Down::    pwd
	^+Down::   ls

	^j::       cd
	^k::       pwd
	^l::       ls
       +^l::       ls -a
	^i::       git
	^m::       mkdir
	^n::       touch
	^b::       echo "" >> .txt

Numpad keys deal with git
These are modeled after the git workflow  --  Init (1), Stage (2), Commit (3)
	^Numpad1::    git init
	^+Numpad1::   git remote add origin

	^Numpad2::    git add
	^+Numpad2::   git add .

	^Numpad3::    git commit -m ""
	^+Numpad3::   git push -u origin master

	^Numpad0::    git status
	^+Numpad0::   git --help

	^NumpadDot::  ls -a


Automate repository creation and syncing to GitHub in just two clicks (with much more)


Language:AutoHotkey 100.0%