InvArch / InvArch-Node

Official Repository for the InvArch Network.

Repository from Github https://github.comInvArch/InvArch-NodeRepository from Github https://github.comInvArch/InvArch-Node

An Omni-Chain Account Unification & Decentralized Management Network for DAOs

Official Repository for the InvArch Network - built using Rust & the Polkadot SDK

Substrate version Medium License
Twitter URL Discord Telegram

Network Overview

InvArch is a multichain account abstraction hub optimized for decentralized operations & financial management.
It provides users & organizations with a single non-custodial Web3 account that allows them to transact & exist
as first-class entities across every & any blockchain. InvArch is a public network, governed by a global community,
and accessible to everyone, allowing people to collaborate, share ownership, & function as multichain organizations!

Feature Description
Multichain DAO Accounts WIP
NFT DAOs & NFT Members WIP
Self-Executing Governance WIP
Custom Member Permissions WIP
Automated Treasury Flows WIP
Custom Operational Logic WIP
DAO Staking & Funding WIP
Tokenized IP Primitives WIP
IP Rights Management WIP

How to contribute

I'm really glad you're reading this, because we need volunteer developers to help this idea become a reality!

If you haven't already, come find us on the #InvArch Discord. We want you working on things you're excited about!

Submitting changes

Please send a GitHub Pull Request to InvArch with a clear list of what you've done (read more about pull requests). Please make sure all of your commits are atomic (one feature per commit).

Always write a clear log message for your commits. One-line messages are fine for small changes, but bigger changes should look like this:

$ git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit
> A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Additional Resources

GPL License (Open-Source)
Substrate Node Template


Official Repository for the InvArch Network.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 98.8%Language:Handlebars 0.8%Language:Makefile 0.4%