Integralist / dotfiles

Bash shell and Vim configuration settings

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Terminal Prompt

The ultimate source of truth is this dotfile repo, all other published content is likely stale. This includes...

This blog post which gives a summary of all my favourite developer tools.

This blog post which gives a detailed break down of how to set up a new macOS laptop.

This gist which gives a concise summary of the steps from the blog post.


NOTE: Refer to the gist for setup instructions, as most tools below are easily installed using Homebrew.

Developer Mode

To enable developer mode:

spctl developer-mode enable-terminal

Turning this feature on has been shown to improve the speed of certain terminal operations like running Rust compilation.

OS Wake Up

To improve your retina macOS 'wake-up from sleep' performance:

sudo pmset -a standbydelay 7200

The larger the number (time in seconds), the longer it will take macOS to switch into 'standby mode'. This mode takes a while to 'wake up' before you can log back in, and people tend to prefer delaying it for as long as possible (reference).


There is a Brewfile which can help you install any programs that were installed via Homebrew:

brew bundle dump --force
brew bundle install

In the following list of tools the ❌ indicates what isn't installed via the Brewfile.

  • alacritty: cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator written in Rust.
  • asciinema: record your terminal screen.
  • bandwhich: displays network utilization by process, connection and remote IP/hostname.
  • bat: rust replacement for cat.
  • bottom: replaces top and htop (executable is btm so alias top to that).
  • broot: like tree but doesn't scroll endlessly, and has other navigational features.
  • delta: a better diff tool that can be used standalone or configured for use with git.
  • dog: replaces dig with dog.
  • duf: global disk usage overview.
  • dust: replaces du for displaying directory specific disk space usage statistics.
  • exa: rust replacement for ls.
  • fd: find replacement (not quite as powerful, but basically what I typically use find for).
  • fig: shell command completion.
  • fnm: fast Node.js manager.
  • fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder.
  • gping: replaces ping with tui graph version (executable is gping so alias ping to that).
  • grc: generic colouriser for your shell (e.g. alias go='grc /usr/bin/go'), you can brew install grc.
  • hyperfine: benchmark your shell performance (e.g. hyperfine 'bash -l').
  • imgcat: tool for viewing images in your terminal.
  • mdless: tool for viewing Markdown files ❌.
  • panicparse: Parses golang panic stack traces ❌.
  • procs: rust replacement for ps aux.
  • rip: replaces rm and allows restoring deleted files.
  • sad: interactive sed replacement (use <Tab> to select files to apply changes to).
  • sd: sed replacement (not quite as powerful, but basically what I typically use sed for).
  • starship: minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell (font settings).
  • t-rec: record your terminal screen (outputs gif and mp4 unlike asciinema).
  • tldr: summarizes useful features of commands.
  • tokei: displays statistics about your code projects.
  • tuifeed: terminal RSS reader.
  • zoxide: directory switcher (zoxide query -ls shows db content).

NOTE: tuifeed config is stored in /Users/integralist/Library/Application Support/tuifeed/config.toml (a copy is in this repo at tuifeed.config.toml).


Firefox Extensions


Bash shell and Vim configuration settings


Language:Shell 82.7%Language:Lua 11.3%Language:Ruby 5.7%Language:JavaScript 0.2%Language:CSS 0.1%