Use 1.3.x@dev versions for projects with php 5.6, 7.0
Use 2.x versions for projects with php >= 7.1
composer global require insolita/unused-scanner
Ensure that your ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory declared in $PATH
echo $PATH
if not - you should add it in ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile
composer global update
prepare configuration file, see scanner_config.example.php
put it in project root (or other place)
run composer dumpautoload
in your project directory
run unused_scanner /path/to/configuration/file/scanner_config.php
since 1.1 you can run it without argument, if scanner_config.php existed in current working directory, it will be used by default
For auto-testing:
Add --silent option for skip progress output and return exit code = 16, when unused packages detected
run unused_scanner --silent /path/to/configuration/file/scanner_config.php
This project uses the MIT licence.