A discord bot for searching the Officially Unofficial Unsounded Transcript. Peer into the Khert!
: a phrase or page number to search the transcript for.
: whether the page preview should be hidden
: a chapter to restrict your search to
You can also DM commands to the bot itself.
Contributions are welcome! Just submit a pull request.
A big thank-you to Stanchion for adding new features to the bot and improving the development workflow!
- Clone or download this repository.
- In the root directory of the project, place a copy of the Unsounded transcript as a .txt file.
- In the root directory of the project, place an .env file in the following format:
TOKEN=your bot's token here
CLIENT_ID=your application's client id here
GUILD_ID=the ID of the guild you want to register commands to
TRANSCRIPT_FILE=the location of your transcript .txt file
You may also want the following optional values:
URL_REWRITE_FILE=the location of a .json file containing key-value pairs for URL rewriting
REST_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS=30000 (in case of timeouts)
- (Optional) In the root directory of the project, place a .json file in the following format:
"originalArt": "09_10",
"replacementArt": "09_10b"
"originalURL": "10_46",
"replacementURL": "10_45"
- In the root directory of the project, run
npm i
to install the necessary dependencies. - Run
node farcyte
ornpx nodemon
to have a filewatcher that rebuilds on file changes.