Infinitifall / RegexFilterBot

A bot that lets you filter messages by regex and respond with a range of actions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Update: is no longer maintained, this repository has been archived.

A bot that provides a message "filter" defined by regular expressions. Supports running on multiple guilds/servers, each with their own unique "filter".

A "filter" can be set to make the bot do any of:

  • Respond with a description of the violation
  • Delete the message
  • Delete the message after a time delay
  • Mute the member who sent the message

Use cases:

  • Deleting discord invites, curse words, phone numbers and emails, links to specific websites, strange unicode characters, all caps messages
  • Cleaning up chat by deleting messages that contain only emojis/single words/filler words after a few minutes
  • Muting members if they @mention a lot of people/roles
  • Delete/mute based on anything you can define using regex really!


  • Discord:

    1. Set up a discord bot application

    2. Invite the bot to your guild(s) and ensure it has the following permissions:

      • View Channels
      • Send Messages
      • Manage Messages
      • Manage Roles
  • Local:

    1. Python 3.7.4 or greater must be installed

    2. Clone this repository

      git clone
      cd RegexFilterBot
    3. (Optional) Creating a virtual environment is recommended

    4. Install all packages listed in requirements.txt

      pip install -r requirements.txt
    5. In, update the following:

      • bot_token with your bot’s secret token (string)
      • my_guild_ids with ids of all guilds you want the bot to operate on (set of ints)
      • admin_ids with ids of all users you want to give access to admin commands (set of ints)
    6. Finally, you dont want to accidentally git push sensitive data! (what is this?)

      git update-index --skip-worktree data/
      git update-index --skip-worktree data/regex_filter.json

The regex "filter"

An example dummy "filter" has been set up in regex_filter.json:

	"123456789012345678": {
		"whitelist": [
			"<@![^ ]+>",
		"blacklist": [
				"description":"repetitive letters",
				"description":"single word",
				"description":"ALL CAPS!!!",
				"regex":" *[^.<>@]+[A-Z!]{5,}"
		"muterole_id": 987654321098765432

Each guild's "filter" is stored as a key-value pair, where the key is the guild's id and the value is the "filter" which contains:

  • "whitelist": the whitelist filter, a list of regular expressions.
  • "blacklist": the blacklist filter, a list of objects that each contain:
    • "regex": a regular expression
    • "description": description of the regex in plain english
    • "action": a string that can contain any of:
      • "d": delete the message after "delay" number of seconds
      • "r": respond to the message with "description"
      • "m": mute the member by assigning them the muterole
    • "delay": delay in seconds after which the message should be deleted provided "action" contains "d".
  • "muterole_id": id of the guild's muterole, this will be assigned to members to mute them.

It works roughly as follows:

    match message against whitelist
    if one or more matches:
    if no matches:
        match message against blacklist
        if no matches:
        if one or more matches:
            carry out union of actions

To set up "filters" for your own guilds, add new key-value pairs in regex_filter.json, similar to the dummy "example" filter.


Navigate to the main directory and run the file



A bot that lets you filter messages by regex and respond with a range of actions

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%