This repository contains the notebooks used in Big Data Analytics for Sustainable Cities: Pune Tree Census Data Exploratory Analysis
This study aims to introduce an example of a data science pipeline integrating Machine Learning, Statistics, Data Visualization and GIS techniques for open big data in sustainable development. The chosen techniques have been implemented on the Tree Census Dataset, obtained from the geo-enabled Tree census survey conducted by the Pune Municipal Corporation, dated August 2019. This study focuses on the visualization of big data, ward-wise analysis and identification of marginalized species that require urgent attention of the authorities. The key feature of this study is the introduction of a new biodiversity index, to overcome the shortcomings of the existing indices, when applied to cities in the Indian subcontinent.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run notebooks run Jupyter and open the notebooks from there
jupyter notebook
For more results, refer to the paper at
author={Marathe, Aboli and Mirchandani, Kapil and Chordiya, Kushal and Stephen, Kevin},
booktitle={2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)},
title={Big Data Analytics for Sustainable Cities: Pune Tree Census Data Exploratory Analysis},