Incandescent-Turtle / fretboard

unfinished - should place scales on virtual guitar neck

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fretboard Visualizer

The intent was to be able to select which notes you want to see on the neck, as well as being able to pick scales and chords to highlight all over the neck.
Click here to download runnable jar file even tho it basically does nothing


Note that all of these are only done programmatically, and there is no GUI to do these.

All notes can be added on the neck.
all notes
Notes can be displayed only on select strings.
e string
Only specific notes can be displayed. just e note

Future Hopes

A menu to select chords and scales to display to the neck. This entails a format to input scales (possibly marked with whole/half steps so only the pattern of a scale is needed, and it can then be applied to all notes).


unfinished - should place scales on virtual guitar neck


Language:Java 100.0%