Fiber is a lightwight, fast text editor built using c++ and SFML, used as a learning experience for 2d rendering and backend.
- Scrolling ✅
- Loading file from memory ✅
- Fullscreen mode ✅
- Light and dark mode ✅
- Cross platform ✅
- Creating and saving file ✅
- Switching between lines 🚧
- Power scrolling 🚧
- Keyboard line selection 🚧
It's easy sometimes to use the latest framework on the market, but I atleast get lost in it sometimes so I wanted to take the "low level" route this time.
I do, building software on a real product challenges you to a great extent, finding solutions and solving bugs.
Make sure you install CMAKE before runing the build commands, Requires CMAKE 3.16
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --config Release