IllyaUA / lab-cleaning-categorical-data

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Lab | Cleaning categorical data

For this lab, we will be using the dataset in the Customer Analysis Business Case of the previous lab. This dataset can be found in files_for_lab folder. In this lab we will explore categorical data.

Special instructions

As in this lab, we will keep working on the same dataset as the previous lab, please make a copy of the final Jupyter notebook of the previous lab in the current lab folder. Next, use Markdown to add a new section in the Jupyter notebook named Lab Cleaning Categorical Data. Then restart the Kernel and run all the previous cells. Finally, keep working on the same notebook according to the next instructions.


  1. Define a function that given a pandas DataFrame as input creates a seaborn countplot of each categorical column. Make sure to sort the bars by frequency ie: the most frequent values should be placed first. Hint: use .value_counts(). In addition, if the amount of unique values of a categorical column (cardinality) is six or more, the corresponding countplot should have the bars placed on the y-axis instead of the x-axis.
  2. policy_type and policy columns are redundant, and what's worse policy column has a lot of possible unique values (high cardinality) which will be problematic when they will be dummified with an OneHotEncoder because we will increase a lot the number of columns in the dataframe. Drop the column policy_type and transform the column policy to three possible values: L1, L2, and L3 using a function.
  3. Time dependency analysis. Use a seaborn line plot using the column effective_to_date to see if total_claim_amount is bigger at some specific dates. Use a figsize=(10,10)
  4. To continue the analysis define an empty pandas DataFrame, and add the following new columns:
  • day with the day number of effective_to_date
  • day_name with the day NAME of effective_to_date
  • week with the week of effective_to_date
  • month with the month NAME of effective_to_date
  • total_claim_amount with total_claim_amount
  1. Compute the total target column aggregated day_name rounded to two decimals and then reorder the index of the resulting pandas series using .reindex(index=list_of_correct_days)
  2. Use a seaborn line plot to plot the previous series. Do you see some differences by day of the week?
  3. Get the total number of claims by day of the week name and then reorder the index of the resulting pandas series using .reindex(index=list_of_correct_values)
  4. Get the median "target" by day of the week name and then sort the resulting values in descending order using .sort_values()
  5. Plot the median "target" by day of the week name using a seaborn barplot
  6. What can you conclude from this analysis?
  7. Compute the total target column aggregated month rounded to two decimals and then reorder the index of the resulting pandas series using .reindex(index=list_of_correct_values)
  8. Can you do a monthly analysis given the output of the previous series? Why?
  9. Define a function to remove the outliers of a numerical continuous column depending if a value is bigger or smaller than a given amount of standard deviations of the mean (thr=3).
  10. Use the previous function to remove the outliers of continuous data and to generate a continuous_clean_df.
  11. Concatenate the continuous_cleaned_df, discrete_df, categorical_df, and the relevant column of time_df. After removing outliers the continuous_cleaned dataframe will have fewer rows (when you concat the individual dataframes using pd.concat()) the resulting dataframe will have NaN's because of the different sizes of each dataframe. Use pd.dropna() and .reset_index() to fix the final dataframe.
  12. Reorder the columns of the dataframe to place 'total_claim_amount' as the last column.
  13. Turn the response column values into (Yes=1/No=0).
  14. Reduce the class imbalance in education by grouping together ["Master","Doctor"] into "Graduate" while keeping the other possible values as they are. In this way, you will reduce a bit the class imbalance at the price of losing a level of detail.
  15. Reduce the class imbalance of the employmentstatus column grouping together ["Medical Leave", "Disabled", "Retired"] into "Inactive" while keeping the other possible values as they are. In this way, you will reduce a bit the class imbalance at the price of losing a level of detail.
  16. Deal with column Gender turning the values into (1/0).
  17. Now, deal with vehicle_class grouping together "Sports Car", "Luxury SUV", and "Luxury Car" into a common group called Luxury leaving the other values as they are. In this way, you will reduce a bit the class imbalance at the price of losing a level of detail.
  18. Now it's time to deal with the categorical ordinal columns, assigning a numerical value to each unique value respecting the ìmplicit ordering`. Encode the coverage: "Premium" > "Extended" > "Basic".
  19. Encode the column employmentstatus as: "Employed" > "Inactive" > "Unemployed".
  20. Encode the column location_code as: "Urban" > "Suburban" > "Rural".
  21. Encode the column vehicle_size as: "Large" > "Medsize" > "Small".
  22. Get a dataframe with the categorical nominal columns
  23. Create a list of named levels which that has as many elements as categorical nominal columns. Each element must be another list with all the possible unique values of the corresponding categorical nominal column: ie:
levels = [ [col1_value1, col1_value2,...], [col2_value1, col2_value2,...], ...]
  1. Instantiate an sklearn OneHotEncoder with drop set to first and categories to levels



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