illia Liudohovskyi's repositories


This ChatGPT plugin allows users to easily export text to Telegraph. With just a few simple commands, users can convert their text into beautifully formatted articles on Telegraph.



An AI-powered content generator that utilizes OpenAI's GPT-3 model via the LangChain API to create articles, format them into HTML, and publish them on Telegraph. This serves as an automated content creation and publishing tool, making the power of AI accessible to content creators and publishers.



This Python project uses the Monobank API to retrieve banking statement data and perform analysis.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


The LangchainAI-TelegramBot is an AI-driven bot on Telegram. It uses the OpenAI API, including the GPT-3 model for text generation and the DALL-E model for image generation. It also incorporates various tools for web search, Wikipedia search, and advanced mathematical problem-solving.



This Jupyter notebook helps organize files in a Google Drive directory based on their file extensions. Files will be sorted into predefined categories depending on their types (documents, multimedia files, code files, etc.).

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:2Issues:0Issues:0


This is a Streamlit app that allows users to upload CSV, Excel, or JSON files and view their contents using pandas. It also provides the ability to run queries on the uploaded data using the OpenAI API.



DishMaster generates unique recipes and images based on ingredients and type of dish. Share your creations with a Telegraph post, all powered by AI.



Аналізатор історії групової бесіди Telegram - Аналізуйте та візуалізуйте історію вашої групової бесіди за допомогою цього коду на Python. Створює сторінки Telegraph з зображеннями та відповідність дат з планом уроків. Отримайте структурований огляд історії вашої групової бесіди. Ідеально для вчителів або учасників групової бесіди.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:UnlicenseStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


This application allows you to compare the performance of various image classifiers available on the Hugging Face Hub. You can upload an image, and the application will display the top k predictions for each model, along with a bar chart of the mean scores for each label across all models.



A web scraping tool for extracting information from the website using aiohttp and requests_html. The data is organized into classes, authors, and books, including bios, book summaries, and audio links. The information is stored in a JSON file and is intended to be used in other applications.



Python code for a nonogram puzzle game using Pygame. It includes information on game mechanics, art and audio assets, technical requirements, and gameplay flow. The code includes functions for displaying text and shapes, checking progress, and handling user events such as mouse clicks and key presses.



A simple Flask app that retrieves information from Wikipedia. Users can enter a query and select a language. The app returns a summary of the relevant Wikipedia page, limited to 5 sentences, and a list of related pages. In case of disambiguation, options are presented. Error messages are displayed for any errors.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0