Igorgro / log-format

This document describes the log format, which is used in my applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Log format

This document describes the log format, which is used in my applications

File name

Log file must be named as <application name>.log

Log content

The format of log line is listed below


The contracted format of log line for devices with line width less than 64 characters:


The parts of the log line:

  • DATE TIME - Date/time in format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  • LOG LEVEL - Log level, possible values are:
    • INFO - Information
    • WARN - Warning
    • ERROR - Error
  • THREAD - The name of the thread, module, plugin, etc., which has generated that log line. May absent, if output device can not print enough characters per line.

If output device support color, the line must be colored blue, yellow or red for information, warning or error log level respectively.


[2019-05-05 10:01:54][INFO][MAIN] Web server started
[2019-05-05 10:02:31][INFO][SERVER] Client connected
[2019-05-05 10:02:32][WARN][SERVER] Client uses old protocol version, some methods can be unavailable
[2019-05-05 10:04:43][INFO][SERVER] Client connection closed
[2019-05-05 10:12:03][INFO][MAIN] Server stopped


This document describes the log format, which is used in my applications