Icassell / ZXEngine

C++ game engine project, for learning, practice and experiment.

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Vulkan DirectX 12 OpenGL


This is a game engine project developed by myself. The main purpose of creating this project is to learn and practice game engine technology for myself, but it would be better if this project can help you.


Screenshot display (more display later in the introduction):


引擎简介 (Engine Introduction)

本引擎目前同时支持Vulkan,DirectX 12和OpenGL,使用自创的zxshader语言来编写shader,支持前面三种图形API,可一次编写3种环境运行。同时也支持基于Vulkan和DirectX12的光线追踪渲染管线。

This engine currently supports Vulkan, DirectX 12 and OpenGL. The engine uses the self-created zxshader language to write shaders. It also supports Vulkan, DirectX 12 and OpenGL. You only need to write it once and it can work in all three graphics APIs. This engine also supports ray tracing rendering pipeline based on Vulkan and DirectX12.


This engine has a built-in physics engine written by myself, which I called it PhysZ (It is the learning result after reading some books and other people’s projects), supports rigid body mechanics simulation and cloth simulation. And I also developed a simple skeletal animation system, particle system, etc. Images of these systems are shown later in this document.


The engine is developed with C++, the GamePlay layer is developed with Lua, and the engine encapsulates part of the C++ interface to the Lua call of the GamePlay layer. The usage is similar to Unity's XLua, you can bind the Lua code to the GameObject through a GameLogic component, receive Start and Update calls from the engine on the mounted object, and access the GameObject object through self (see later for specific examples).

项目目前还比较简单,不过我已经完成了引擎所需的基本的场景,预制体,材质系统,shader文件系统等等的开发。本引擎场景中的对象都是Unity式的 GameObject - Component 结构,也有一个类Unity的引擎编辑器页面。不过编辑功能还不完善,只有一部分 Component 能够被编辑,其它的主要是展示当前的运行时状态。

The project is still relatively simple, but I have completed the development of the basic scenes, prefabs, materials system, shader file systems and so on that the engine need. The objects in the scene of this engine are all Unity-style GameObject - Component structures, and there is also a Unity-like engine editor. However, the editing function is not complete yet, only some Components can be edited, and the others just display the current runtime status.

引擎编辑器和更多演示 (Engine Editor And More Demonstration)


The following are some picture displays, the engine is shown in the figure, which is similar to the Unity editor. The top is the main menu bar, the middle is the game screen window, the left is the Hierarchy panel showing the GameObject in the scene, the lower left is the Project panel showing the Assets file directory of the currently opened project, the middle is the Console panel showing the log, and the right is showing the currently selected Inspector panel for object details.


The Sun object in the scene is currently selected, and the Inspector panel displays the Component information on the GameObject.


Click the Play button on the main menu bar, and the game starts to run. At this time, you can see the objects in the scene move, and the particle system starts to work.


Next picture is a scene rendering based on PBR+IBL, and also shows the material information and material preview displayed on the Inspector panel after clicking the material file.


Then switch to a scene rendered with the ray tracing pipeline by double-clicking on the scene file. At the same time, it shows the model information and model preview displayed on the Inspector panel after clicking the model file. If the model has animation, the skeleton and animation information will also be displayed.


Shown next are code-generated volumetric clouds and their shadow casting effects. And the right side shows the image information displayed on the Inspector panel after clicking the image file.


The following is the code preview on the Inspector after clicking zxshader and Lua respectively.

PhysZ物理引擎简介(PhysZ Physics Engine Introduction)


Here is a GIF of the simulation of rigid mechanics and cloth in PhysZ (the size and framerate of the screenshots are compressed):


Using the PhysZ engine involves only two Components, Collider and Rigidbody. Collider currently provides three types: BoxCollider, PlaneCollider and SphereCollider. The following are screenshots of these two Components in the editor in the engine:

各参数作用顾名思义即可。其中Damping参数是模拟各种形式的阻尼效果的,Linear Damping和Angular Damping分别对应线性运动和角运动,数值为0代表无阻尼。

The function of each parameter is just as the name implies. And the Damping parameter is used to simulate various forms of damping effects. Linear Damping and Angular Damping correspond to linear motion and angular motion respectively. A value of 0 represents no damping.


The spring component is shown in the figure, similar to Unity's SpringJoint. The parameters are the connection object, the anchor points of itself and the connection object (their respective model spaces), the rest length and spring coefficient of the spring.


Cloth simulation needs to add a Cloth component, the parameters are cloth mass, friction coefficient, bend stiffness, stretch stiffness and whether to use gravity. Note that cloth needs to be matched with dynamic mesh. This engine currently only supports DynamicPlane.

PhysZ引擎主要是我在学习了Ian Millington的《Game Physics Engine Development》和Gabor Szauer的《Game Physics Cookbook》之后,加上一些自己的思考和实践的成果。引擎里的注释也比较多,欢迎对物理引擎感兴趣的人一起讨论学习。

The PhysZ engine is the result of me studying Ian Millington's "Game Physics Engine Development" and Gabor Szauer's "Game Physics Cookbook", plus some of my own thinking and practice. If you are also interested in physics engines, I hope this engine can be helpful to you.

ZXShader和材质系统(ZXShader And Material System)

ZXShader是专门给ZXEngine用的一套Shader系统,因为ZXEngine同时支持Vulkan/DirectX12/OpenGL,所以也需要一个统一的Shader语言才能支撑后面的材质系统。ZXShader目前暂时只支持光栅渲染管线,光追渲染管线的Shader是在VK和DX下独立写的。ZXShader语言本身并不复杂,对GLSL,HLSL或者Unity ShaderLab比较熟悉的人应该都能很快看懂,代码示例在ExampleProject\Assets\Shaders中。

ZXShader is a shader system specially used for ZXEngine. Because ZXEngine supports Vulkan/DirectX12/OpenGL, a unified shader language is needed to support the material system. ZXShader currently only supports the rasterization rendering pipeline. The Shader of the raytracing rendering pipeline is written independently under VK and DX. The ZXShader language itself is not complicated. People who are familiar with GLSL, HLSL or Unity ShaderLab should be able to understand it quickly. The code examples are in ExampleProject\Assets\Shaders.


The material system is similar to Unity's. Select a Shader, and then you can see the parameters exposed by this shader to the engine on the editor panel. And you can adjust parameter values through the engine editor, and then see the feedback of the rendering results in real time. For example, adjust the materials in the running scene:


This is after selecting the material in the Asset, adjusting the material parameters, and previewing the changes on the material ball:

骨骼蒙皮动画系统(Skeletal Animation System)


Switch to the AnimDemo scene and click Play button to see the skeletal animation display:


The animation system of this engine supports animation blending, so in addition to the individual animation playback, you can also see the smooth transition between the two animations when the character enters the running state from the walking state.


The code to play the animation belongs to the GamePlay rather than the engine, so it‘s written in the Lua code and bound to the GameObject through the GameLogic component.

音频系统(Audio System)


The audio system of this engine is similar to Unity, mainly relying on the two components AudioListener and AudioSource.


AudioSource is as shown below. These parameters are easy to understand.


The last two parameters only take effect in 3D sound effects. When the distance is less than MinDistance, the volume will no longer increase, and when the distance is greater than MaxDistance, the volume will no longer decrease.



Most of the systems and modules of this engine are written by myself, but audio processing is a very professional field like graphics rendering and physics engine, involving audio coding, time domain and frequency domain transformation and other related professional knowledge. I don’t know enough about audio-related professional knowledge, so the core part of the audio system of this engine, that is, the audio decoding and playback functions, uses the third-party library irrKlang.



Currently, there are two parts of the engine that implement multi-threading, asynchronous loading and shader pre-compilation. In fact, I also want to do multi-threaded rendering, and I‘m actually trying to do it, but it's indeed difficult and requires a lot of modifications to the engine framework, so I haven't done it yet.


The interface for asynchronous loading is as follows, which can be called in the main thread (also the logical thread):

C++ Interface:
static void ZXEngine::GameObject::AsyncCreate(const string& path)
static void ZXEngine::Resources::AsyncLoadPrefab(const string& path, std::function<void(PrefabStruct*)> callback, bool isBuiltIn = false);
static void ZXEngine::Resources::AsyncLoadMaterial(const string& path, std::function<void(MaterialStruct*)> callback, bool isBuiltIn = false, bool isEditor = false);
Lua Interface:

然后是着色器预编译,在引擎编辑器顶部的菜单栏点击Asset/Compile All Shader for Vulkan或者Compile All Shader for DirectX12,就会开启一个线程去编译Shader。

As for shader pre-compilation, click "Asset/Compile All Shader for Vulkan" or "Compile All Shader for DirectX12" in the menu bar at the top of the engine editor, and a thread will be created to compile the shaders.

引擎文件格式介绍 (Engine File Format Introduction)



Scene files, containing GameObjects, skyboxes, etc. If it is a ray tracing scene, it also includes the Shader of the light tracing pipeline.


这是本引擎自己的shader语言文件,不过目前zxshader仅支持DirectX 12,Vulkan和OpenGL的光栅化渲染管线。示例代码可以在ExampleProject\Assets\Shaders中找到。

This is ZXEngine's own shader language file, but currently zxshader only supports the rasterization rendering pipeline of DirectX 12, Vulkan and OpenGL. Example code can be found in ExampleProject\Assets\Shaders.

*.vkr *.dxr


These two extension correspond to the ray tracing Shader code files of Vulkan and DirectX12 respectively. For now, there is no engine-specific ray tracing shader language like ZXShader in the rasterization pipeline.

*.zxmat *.zxrtmat


They are the material files of the rasterization rendering pipeline and the ray tracing rendering pipeline respectively.



The prefab file is similar to Unity's prefab.



This is the configuration file for the game project created by ZXEngine, you can find the example in ExampleProject.



Models, textures, fonts, etc. are common file formats.

GamePlay层的Lua代码示例(Lua code example for GamePlay layer)


Take controlling the rotation and movement of GameObject as an example, create a Lua code, and use GameLogic component on a GameObject object:


Then the Lua code is roughly as follows:

local ObjectMove = NewGameLogic()

ObjectMove.radius = 20
ObjectMove.angle = 0
ObjectMove.rot = 0

function ObjectMove:Start()
    self.trans = self.gameObject:GetComponent("Transform")

function ObjectMove:Update()
    self.angle = self.angle + 2 * Time.GetDeltaTime()
    local x = math.sin(self.angle) * self.radius
    local z = math.cos(self.angle) * self.radius
    self.trans:SetPosition(x, 0, z)

    self.rot = self.rot + 50 * Time.GetDeltaTime()
    if self.rot > 360 then
        self.rot = self.rot - 360
    self.trans:SetEulerAngles(0, 0, self.rot)

return ObjectMove


本项目使用Visual Studio 2022构建,暂时不支持跨平台。VS项目文件已经放到ZXEngine文件夹下了,直接打开.sln构建即可。同时也提供了CMakeLists,不过在非WIndows环境下暂时还无法正确构建。

This project is built using Visual Studio 2022 and does not support cross-platform for now. The VS project file has been placed in the ZXEngine folder, and you can directly open the .sln file to build. CMakeLists is also provided, but it cannot be built correctly in non-WIndows environments yet.


Since the development environment of the company I work for and my own computer are both Windows, this project currently only supports Windows systems. I have the idea of cross-platform, but my energy is limited. This is just a project I developed in my free time. There are a lot of things I want to do but haven't done yet, so I will not provide cross-platform support in the short term. I appreciate your understanding.

注意事项 (Precautions)

目前zxshader编写好后,在DirectX 12和OpenGL下直接运行即可。但是在Vulkan下需要先点击引擎菜单栏里的“Assets/Compile All Shader for Vulkan”按钮,将zxshader预编译后才可以运行。也就是说,在你第一次以Vulkan模式运行工程之前,至少需要先以DirectX 12或者OpenGL模式启动一次项目,完成一次预编译Vulkan着色器,然后才能正常的以Vulkan模式启动。这块做得不是很好,按理说不应该有这种奇怪的限制,日后改进。

After zxshader is written, it can be run directly under DirectX 12 and OpenGL. But under Vulkan, you need to click the "Assets/Compile All Shader for Vulkan" button in the engine menu bar to precompile zxshader before it can run. In other words, before you run the project in Vulkan for the first time, you need to start the project in DirectX 12 or OpenGL at least once, complete a precompilation of the Vulkan shader, and then start engine in Vulkan. It's not very well done here, there shouldn't be such a strange restriction, and it will be improved in the future.


The way to switch the graphics API is to modify the macro definition in the pubh.h file. There are 3 macro definitions ZX_API_VULKAN, ZX_API_D3D12 and ZX_API_OPENGL, corresponding to the 3 graphics APIs supported by the engine. Open one of the macro definitions, comment out the other two macro definitions, and recompile the engine to complete the switching of the graphics API.


As a personal project, this project has not been rigorously tested in various environments, so it cannot be ruled out that exceptions may occur under certain devices. Of course, it's also possible that I may write some bugs that I have not discovered as I continue to update this project. So if you encounter an exception when compiling or running the project, you can report it to me. If you have any questions or want to discuss anything with me, you can contact me through the email on my Github homepage, or send me a message through my Zhihu homepage.

一些废话 (Some mumbles)

其实工程在2020年5月就创建了,但是最初其实只是想把2020年初学习OpenGL写的代码保存到GitHub上而已。当时写的代码也只是C语言风格的面向过程式编程,一个1000多行的渲染demo。随后花了1年多时间把《Real-Time Rendering 4th》看了,这期间光看书没再实际写东西了(因为这书实在是太偏理论了,没什么可以立刻实践的东西)。

In fact, the project was created in May 2020, but at first I just wanted to save the code I wrote when I learned OpenGL in early 2020 to GitHub. The code I wrote at that time was only procedure oriented programming in C language style, a rendering demo with less than 2000 lines. Then I spent more than a year reading "Real-Time Rendering 4th". During this period, I just read the book and didn't actually write anything (because this book is too theoretical, and there is nothing that can be practiced immediately).


In fact, after the demo was written, I wanted to continue to add something, but I felt that it couldn't be done, because the procedure oriented code was really difficult to expand. I have always wanted to make this demo a more formal project with a rendering framework, but I don't know where to start, so I haven't moved, and I read the book first. After reading the book, I still didn't know how to start, so I fell silent for several months. Finally, in 2022, I started to build this project, preparing to develop a simple game engine of my own. In fact, I should have built a new GitHub repository instead of using this repository for learning OpenGL. But at that time, I was still very unfamiliar with C++ projects. I felt that various environment configurations and library links were too troublesome, so I was slack off and started building the engine directly with this already established OpenGL development environment. So there are also previous demo code commits in the project.


I plan to use my spare time to keep updating this project, gradually improve it, and add more advanced features. I also regard this project as a platform for my own learning. I can experiment with any interesting technologies in my own project. I also hope that people who are also interested in game engine technology can share it together. I waited for months and didn't start the project because I didn't know where to start. I'm trying to find a relatively simple project to learn from, but can't find it. Either it is an overly large and mature engine like UE5, or some very old engines such as Ogre. Anyway, I didn't find a suitable project for me to learn. Many of the implementations of my project are thought by myself, and they are relatively simple, in other words, they are relatively crude. So if someone sees some implementations that are not good, suggestions are welcome. You can email me, ashenvalezx@gmail.com


C++ game engine project, for learning, practice and experiment.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 92.3%Language:CMake 3.1%Language:Lua 2.5%Language:C 2.0%Language:Batchfile 0.1%