Icaruk / dame

dame is a minimalistic HTTP client for the browser and Node.js

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dame minimalistic HTTP client for the browser and Node.js

  • πŸš€ Lightweight
  • βšͺ️ Zero dependencies.
  • πŸ˜€ Easy to use.
  • 🟒 Node (http & https) and πŸ’» browser (Fetch).
  • πŸ‘‰ Promise API.
  • βŒ› Custom timeout.
  • πŸ“„ Automatic transforms to JSON data.
  • ⏭ Follows redirects.

πŸ“ƒ Changelog

Table of contents


const dame = require("dame");

Basic examples


let {response} = dame.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/location/1");


let {response} = dame.post("https://your.api.com/login", {
	username: "Username",
	password: "****",

Response object

	isError: false,
	code: 200,
	status: "OK",
	response: {...},
	error: null,
	redirectCount: 3,
  • isError boolean: True if code is >= 200 and < 300 (this is configurable).
  • code number: Status code.
  • status string: Status.
  • response any: Response of the request.
  • error any: If there was any error during the request it will be here.
  • redirectCount number: How many redirects have been followed. Not present if there have been no redirects.

The response can be destructured like this:

let {isError, code, status, response} = dame.get("https://rickandmortyapi.com/api/location/1");



const {response} = dame.get(url, config);
  • url string: Full URL or path.
    • If you set a baseUrl, this url will be concatenated to it: baseUrl + url.
    • If url starts with "http://" or "https://" the baseUrl from config will be ignored and url will be treated like a full url.
  • config object: See Config.

post, put, delete, patch

const {response} = dame.post(url, body, config);
  • url string:See get.
  • body object: The request body.
  • config object: See Config.


  • baseUrl string: Base URL that will be concatenated with the url of the requests.
  • headers object: Headers that will be attached to the request.
  • timeout number: Number of miliseconds that must pass before timeout the request.
  • checkIsError function<boolean>: Function that will receive the status code (number) and must return boolean. Default isError = !(code >= 200 && < 300).
  • Any option that fits on request or fetch.
  • maxRedirects number: Max redirects to follow. Default 20. Use 0 to disable redirects.
  • responseType "arraybuffer" | "stream" | "json" | "text": Browser only. Default "json". Type of the data that the server will respond with.

Configuring base instance


dame.<configKey> = <value>;
  • configKey: any key from Config.
  • value: any value that fits on the config key.


dame.baseUrl = "http://localhost:3010";
dame.headers.Authorization = `Bearer abcd.1234`;
dame.timeout = 5000;

Then you'll be able to:

// url will be β†’ http://localhost:3010/protectedRoute
// headers will be β†’ {Authorization: "Bearer abcd.1234"}

Creating an instance

const dameInstance = dame.new(config, instanceName?);
  • config object: See Config.
  • instanceName string: (optional) If filled, this instance will be saved on dame.instances.<instanceName>.

Removing a saved instance:

delete dame.instances.<instanceNameToRemove>


Set base URL

const yourApi = dame.new({
	"baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000",

Set headers

const yourApi = dame.new({
	"headers": {
		Authorization: "Bearer abc.123"

Editing an instance

yourApi.headers.Authorization: "Bearer new.token";

Special statuses


	isError: true,
	code: 0,
	status: 'Timed out',
	response: null

No response

	isError: true,
	code: -1,
	status: "No response from server",
	response: null


	isError: true,
	code: -2,
	status: "No internet connection",
	response: null

dame vs. others

Package Browser + Node Dependencies Size
dame βœ… 0 dame package size
phin ❌ phin package size
node-fetch ❌ node-fetch package size
axios βœ… axios package size
got ❌ got package size
superagent βœ… superagent package size
request ❌ request package size

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dame is a minimalistic HTTP client for the browser and Node.js



Language:JavaScript 100.0%