Ibrahim5aad / sample-house-info

This .NET Core solution demonstrates a clean architectured WebAPI that is protected with IdentityServer service and consumed by three different clients.

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Sample House Info - Containerized API with Identity Server 6

.Net Docker Nginx Postgres


This .NET Core solution demonstrates a clean architectured WebAPI that is protected with IdentityServer service and consumed by three different clients:

  1. Console App, uses client credential flow.
  2. Server-side ASP.NET Core web application, uses authorization code flow.
  3. SPA ASP.NET Core Blazor WASM, uses PKCE flow


  1. Generate a self-signed certificate with a new private key.
    openssl req -x509 \
     -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout localhost.key \
     -out localhost.crt \
     -subj "/CN=localhost" \
     -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,DNS:api,DNS:identityserver,DNS:singlepageapplication,DNS:webapplication"
    openssl pkcs12 -export \
       -in localhost.crt \
       -inkey localhost.key \
       -out localhost.pfx \
       -name "Creating an IdentityServer 6 Solution"
  2. Import the self-signed certificate.
    certutil -f -user -importpfx Root localhost.pfx
  3. Add the line below to the hosts file. api identityserver singlepageapplication webapplication
  4. Open the console in the "Solution Items" folder and run the service containers.
    docker compose up --build


This .NET Core solution demonstrates a clean architectured WebAPI that is protected with IdentityServer service and consumed by three different clients.


Language:C# 60.2%Language:CSS 13.9%Language:Less 12.9%Language:HTML 11.7%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%Language:SCSS 0.1%Language:JavaScript 0.1%