Ibn-mohey / Java-Small-projects

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projects for Java Course in the ITI AI pro Track it consist of small projects to train Java and Big final project


  1. Lab Exercise 1 - Olympic Delegation

    Convert the class diagrams made for these following systems to java classes.

    • An Olympic Delegation representing a country consists of Players and Coaches
    • Each Player and Coach must be part of a Delegation
    • Each Player and Coach has personal info: Name and Address.
    • Players can be part of a team (Basketball, etc) or individual
    • A player or team may or may not have a coach assigned to him/her
    • A coach can coach multiple players in the same or different games.
    • In the tournament a player can get a Medal (only one medal type)

  1. Lab Exercise 2 - Java IP cutter

    Create a non-GUI Application that accepts a well formed IP Address in the form of a string and cuts it into separate parts based on the dot delimiter.

    Hint : split(“\.”) The program, for example: your Input : The result is : 163

  2. Lab Exercise 3 - Threads

    Working with Threads in java throw Threads and Runnable

  3. Lab Exercise 4 - InputWriter

    reading data from console until user writes stop, Write the entered data to a file

  4. Lab Exercise 5 - CSV reader (DAO)

    Deal with Egyptian Pyramids CSV dataset
    Prepare it and print the basic data about each pyramid Explore the dataset (CSV file) and understand it’s parts

    Build a Pyramid class to define a prototype for all information you will extract from CSV for each pyramid.
    Build a PyramidCSVDAO class to:

    • Read pyramids.csv file. Make this in thread
    • Create List of Pyramids objects for each pyramid in the csv file
    • Do not forget to validate the values you make all needed conversion.

    Build a Main class to use PyramidCSVDAO class and print the basic data about each pyramid.

  5. Lab Exercise 6 -betterStringMethod

    Your goal is to make a method called betterString that takes two Strings and a lambda that says whether the first or the two is “better”.
    The method should return that better String; i.e., if the function given by the lambda returns true, the betterString method should return the first String, otherwise betterString should return the second String.

String string1 = ...;
String string2 = ...;
String longer = StringUtils.betterString(string1, string2, (s1, s2) -> s1.length() > s2.length());
String first = StringUtils.betterString(string1, string2, (s1, s2) -> true);
  1. Lab Exercise 7 - Taitanic data EDA with java

    Apply xChart for the Titanic Passengers Data Set :

    • graphPassengerAges
    • graphPassengerClass
    • graphPassengersurvived
    • graphPassengersurvivedGender
  2. Lab Exercise 8 - Polutation and Country analysis in Java

    Develop (in a team of 2) an application that reads two files for cities and countries and store each in a List.
    Create a map that uses the country code as keys and a list of cities as the value for each country.
    For a given country code (from Console) sort the cities according to the population

    Provide classes or methods to get the following:
    Get a List of countries population
    Get the average countries population
    Get the maximum countries population
    Highest population city of each country
    Highest population capital

  3. Lab Exercise 9 - Using Spark on youtube Data

    For the dataset that contains US Youtube videos :
    we want to know the most popular title word, so we will focus on the title.
    we want to know the most popular tags, so we will focus on the tags.

    the data set

Final Project

The Project Guide Line

  • This project is web service to get the following from the data set:
    • Display structure and summary of the data.
    • Clean the data (null, duplications)
    • Count the jobs for each company and display that in order
    • (What are the most demanding companies for jobs?) in a pie chart
    • Find out What are it the most popular job titles? in bar chart
    • Find out the most popular areas in bar chart
    • Print skills one by one and how many each repeated and
    • order the output to find out the most important skills required?
    • Factorize the YearsExp feature and convert it to numbers in new col.
    • Apply K-means for job title and companies


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Language:Java 66.9%Language:HTML 33.1%