IamSwap / vue-exercise

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vue Exercise


Figma Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/GEaogWZluk5P3twInDx5Lb/Exercise-Mockup

  • Create a simple Vue3 site app (SPA).
  • Site sould have a login page to get the user name.
    • Call API to predict the gender based on their name.
    • Show Hello {Mr.|Ms.} {Username} in the header after the login in the header.
  • Present country drop down with proceed button.
  • Present a page with header which has two menu options - Country Profile and University List
  • Country Profile page should show facts for a selected country, present two panels beside with few facts in each.
  • University List page should show a table with a universities for a selected country, 10 records at a time

APIs to use

Configuration part

  1. Create a simple site app using Vite (https://vitejs.dev)
  2. Configure routes using Vue Router (https://router.vuejs.org/)
  3. Configure Pinia store for state management (https://pinia.vuejs.org)
  4. Configure API client using Axios (https://github.com/axios/axios)
  5. Use Tailwind CSS for styling (https://tailwindcss.com/)

Application part

  • On the login page, get name from the user using input box; Store username in session.
  • After the login page, show country selector with proceed button. (Country selector should use Combbox Element from https://headlessui.com/vue/combobox)
  • Call countries API http://restcountries.com/v3.1/all ; Store the data in Pinia store.
  • Show page with header which has two menu options - Country Profile and University List
  • Along with menus, show Hello {Mr.|Ms.} {Username} in the Header/NavBar with logout button.
  • On the Country Profile page, show facts for a selected country, present two panels beside with few facts in each.
  • On the University List page, show a table with a universities for a selected country, 10 records at a time.
  • To fetch university list for a country use http://universities.hipolabs.com/search?country={CountryName} API.
  • Both pages should have a Country switcher, so on switching country, data on both pages should change.


  • Satisfaction of functional requirements.
  • Architecture of project - repository/folder/file structure and code structure.
  • Separation of Code, Data and Configuration.
  • Readability of code - coding consistency, self-documented code.
  • Reusability of code - Vue.js components, etc.

Bonus Points

  • Nice look & feel
  • Responsive mobile friendly Design

Store project on GitHub and provide a link to it.
