IamSwap / laravel-notification-channel-textlocal

Notification channel for textlocal sms service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This package allows to send SMS using Textlocal API using laravel notifications

Supports Laravel 5.5 to 6.x

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This package makes it easy to send notifications using textlocal with Laravel 5.3.+



Create an account in textlocal then create an API key or hash(password).

composer require msonowal/laravel-notification-channel-textlocal

Setting up the textlocal service

default textlocal config update as desired

return [
	'username'  => env('TEXTLOCAL_USERNAME'),
	'password'  => env('TEXTLOCAL_PASSWORD'),
	'hash'      => env('TEXTLOCAL_HASH'),
	'api_key'   => env('TEXTLOCAL_API_KEY'),
	'sender'    => env('TEXTLOCAL_SENDER'),
	'request_urls' => [
		'IN' => 'https://api.textlocal.in/',
		'UK' => 'https://api.txtlocal.com/'
	'country'   => env('TEXTLOCAL_COUNTRY', 'IN'),

Configuring .env

    TEXTLOCAL_USERNAME=Your email id or api key
    TEXTLOCAL_HASH=get it from url '/docs/' under your API KEYS section
    TEXTLOCAL_API_KEY get it from url '/docs/' under your API KEYS section
    TEXTLOCAL_SENDER=Name of the Sender that will be displayed to the recipient (max 6 Characters).
    TEXTLOCAL_COUNTRY=Your Two letter(ISO-3166-alpha-2) Country Code. It should be the Country of the TEXTLOCAL account.

Publish Config

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=textlocal

Currently, only textlocal of two country is supported IN(India) and UK(United Kingdom).


Implement this method routeNotificationForTextlocal() in your notifiable class/model which will return array of mobile numbers. Please make sure the mobile number contains the dial code as well (e.g +91 for India). And lastly implement toSms() method in the notification class which will return the (string) sms or template that is defined in textlocal account that needs to be send.

Available Message methods

A list of all available options


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email manash149@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Need to convert to Guzzle Http as a Client in core Add more countries add tests


Notification channel for textlocal sms service

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%