Iam-tomiwa / rock-paper-scissors

Roshambo- a rock paper scissors game

Home Page:https://roshambo.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Roshambo- A Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

Design preview for the Rock, Paper, Scissors coding challenge

Heyy! πŸ‘‹

Thanks for checking out this game. Pls dont forget to give this project a 🌟 right up πŸ‘†

This game was an advanced coding challenge I saw at Frontend Mentor. And I took it up and tweaked it. It's a really cool game to wear off stress.


Design preview for the Rock, Paper, Scissors,Lizard, Spock update

I plan to make it more complex by making it Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock, tell me what you think on my Twitter page here


Rules preview for rock paper Scissors

The game starts with a preset score of 3 points which reduces by 1 if you lose a round and adds 1 point if you win a round. You lose the game if the scrore reaches 0 and your win if it reaches 6.

How do I know who wins a round?

  • Paper beats Rock
  • Rock beats Scissors
  • Scissors beats Paper

This project is hosted for free by Vercel. Feel free to check it out.

Have fun playing! πŸš€


Roshambo- a rock paper scissors game



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