Iagonorg / mainnet-node-CLI

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Iagon Storage Node CLI

Iagon Storage Node CLI is a cross-platform CLI application which allows users to share their storage on the Iagon network to earn rewards.


Welcome to the installation guide for Iagon Node CLI , a Command line application that empowers users to securely store files with ease. This document provides step-by-step instructions to help you install and set up Iagon Node CLI on your Windows, Linux, freeBSD or macOS system.

Downloading the Installation Package

Visit https://github.com/Iagonorg/mainnet-node-cli/releases/latest to download the installation package for your operating system.

Installation Steps


Command Set for Interacting with the Node CLI

  • Start Node Evaluation:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-windows start
    • Description: This command is used to evaluate the node or start the node if it has already been evaluated.
  • Stop Node:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-windows stop
    • Description: Use this command to stop your node if it is already running.
  • Regenerate Authorization Key:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-windows key:regenerate
    • Description: Regenerate the authorization key for your node.
  • Get Node Information:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-windows get:info
    • Description: Retrieve information about your node.
  • Check Node Status:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-windows get:status
    • Description: Check the status of your node.
  • Get Node Verification Status:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-windows get:verification
    • Description: Obtain the verification status of your node.
  • Display Command Help:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-windows help
    • Description: Display help for commands.


  • Download application from this link
  • Open a terminal window.
  • Navigate to the directory where the installation package is located.
  • Enter the following command to make it executable
    • chmod +rwx ./iag-cli-linux
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  • Once the installation is complete, Iagon Node CLI is ready to use.

Command Set for Interacting with the Node CLI.

  • Start Node Evaluation:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-linux start
    • Description: This command is used to evaluate the node or start the node if it has already been evaluated.
  • Stop Node:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-linux stop
    • Description: Use this command to stop your node if it is already running.
  • Regenerate Authorization Key:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-linux key:regenerate
    • Description: Regenerate the authorization key for your node.
  • Get Node Information:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-linux get:info
    • Description: Retrieve information about your node.
  • Check Node Status:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-linux get:status
    • Description: Check the status of your node.
  • Get Node Verification Status:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-linux get:verification
    • Description: Obtain the verification status of your node.
  • Display Command Help:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-linux help
  • Description: Display help for commands.

Run as SYSTEMD-Service under Linux

(Autostart at Boot and continuously check if it is running, if not auto-restart)

  • Create a script in the same directly where you downloaded the iag-cli-linux to:
    nano /full/path/to/your/iag-cli/iag-cli-node-checker.sh

  • Insert the following code into that file and save it:


# Define the full path to your iag-cli-linux binary

$IAG_CLI stop
sleep 10
$IAG_CLI start

while true; do
    STATUS_OUTPUT=$($IAG_CLI get:status 2>&1)
    if echo "$STATUS_OUTPUT" | grep -q "Node is not running"; then
        echo "Node is not running. Attempting to restart..."
        $IAG_CLI stop
        sleep 10
        if pgrep -f "$IAG_CLI" > /dev/null; then
            echo "iag-cli-linux processes are still running. Attempting to kill..."
            pkill -f "$IAG_CLI"
        $IAG_CLI start
    sleep 60

⚠️Make sure you replace /full/path/to/your of the IAG_CLI variable with the full path to your iag-cli-linux⚠️

  • Make the script executable:
    chmod +x /full/path/to/your/iag-cli/iag-cli-node-checker.sh

  • Create the SYSTEMD-Service script-file:
    nano /etc/systemd/system/iag-cli.service

  • Insert the following code into that file and save it:

Description=IAG CLI Service

ExecStop=/full/path/to/your/iag-cli/iag-cli-linux stop



⚠️Make sure you replace <username> and <usergroup> with the Username and Usergroup of the User who should run the iag-cli-linux⚠️

  • Reload/Refresh the SYSTEMD Daemon:
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  • Enable the IAG-CLI Service:
    sudo systemctl enable iag-cli.service

  • Start the IAG-CLI Service:
    sudo systemctl start iag-cli.service

  • By now your IAGON-Node should run, will automatically start after boot and will restart automatically if it crashes.


  • Download application from this link
  • Open a terminal window.
  • Navigate to the directory where the installation package is located.
  • Enter the following command to make it executable
    • chmod +rwx ./iag-cli-macos
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  • Once the installation is complete, Iagon Node CLI is ready to use.

Command Set for Interacting with the Node CLI.

  • Start Node Evaluation:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-macos start
    • Description: This command is used to evaluate the node or start the node if it has already been evaluated.
  • Stop Node:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-macos stop
    • Description: Use this command to stop your node if it is already running.
  • Regenerate Authorization Key:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-macos key:regenerate
    • Description: Regenerate the authorization key for your node.
  • Get Node Information:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-macos get:info
    • Description: Retrieve information about your node.
  • Check Node Status:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-macos get:status
    • Description: Check the status of your node.
  • Get Node Verification Status:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-macos get:verification
    • Description: Obtain the verification status of your node.
  • Display Command Help:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-macos help
    • Description: Display help for commands.

For FreeBSD

  • Download application from this link
  • Open a terminal window.
  • Navigate to the directory where the installation package is located.
  • Enter the following command to make it executable
    • chmod +rwx ./iag-cli-freebsd
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  • Once the installation is complete, Iagon Node CLI is ready to use.
  • Command Set for Interacting with the Node CLI.
  • Start Node Evaluation:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-freebsd start
    • Description: This command is used to evaluate the node or start the node if it has already been evaluated.
  • Stop Node:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-freebsd stop
    • Description: Use this command to stop your node if it is already running.
  • Regenerate Authorization Key:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-freebsd key:regenerate
    • Description: Regenerate the authorization key for your node.
  • Get Node Information:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-freebsd get:info
    • Description: Retrieve information about your node.
  • Check Node Status:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-freebsd get:status
    • Description: Check the status of your node.
  • Get Node Verification Status:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-freebsd get:verification
    • Description: Obtain the verification status of your node.
  • Display Command Help:
    • Command: ./iag-cli-freebsd help
    • Description: Display help for commands.

Post-Installation Steps

Upon completion of the node CLI application installation, users are required to register their device's node by following these steps:

  • Launch Application:
    • Open the Iagon Node CLI application on your device.
  • Configure API Port:
    • Specify the port for the Node to operate. The default port is randomly generated. Optionally, users may choose an available alternative port.
  • Select File Storage Path:
    • Choose a file path for Iagon Node CLI to store files. Ensure that the selected path has adequate free storage space and hit Evaluate.
  • Testing Phase:
    • The application will conduct a thorough test to validate the functionality of file uploads and downloads in the chosen storage path. This process may take a few minutes.
  • Authorization Key Retrieval:
  • Upon successful testing, users will be provided with an authorization key. Copy this key and securely store it for future use.

Steps to migrate to higher version

  • Install the latest version of Iagon Node from above installation steps.
  • Stop the older version of your Iagon Node CLI.
  • After installation, start the latest version of the node.
