Puppet module for installing anaconda, managing environments, and installing conda packages.
(Testing on OS X and Ubuntu)
Git clone this repo into your puppet modules directory. Then you can test it using the snippet below in a file
and running puppet apply
File: test2.pp
# Install anaconda into /opt/anaconda
include anaconda
# Create env named test1 with python3.3
anaconda_version => "1.4",
python => "3.3",
numpy => "1.7",
# Create env named test2 - /opt/anaconda/envs/test2
# Use python in /opt/anaconda/envs/test2/bin/python
# Install packages into root env
anaconda::package{dnspython: }
# Install packages into env test2
anaconda::package{dnspython: env => "test2" }
# The env test2 is a dependency when installing packages into it
# Install a number of packages into test2
anaconda::package{[dnspython,rope, py]:
env => "test2"
Run using this command where --modulepath points to the directory where you have installed this puppet module:
puppet apply modules/anaconda/test2.pp --modulepath=modules
This class simply installs Anaconda into /opt/anaconda and accepts the license agreement. The path is hardcoded for now.
define anaconda::env( $anaconda_version='1.5', $numpy='1.7', $python='2.7')
Create a Python environment. Overriding the anaconda_version, numpy, or python version will create the env with the appropriate versions.
In future versions, this could be a true package provider, but for now it is just a defined type.
define anaconda::package( $env=undef, $base_path='/opt/anaconda')
anaconda::package{[dnspython,rope, py]:
env => "test2"
If you set the env, you create a dependency on a anaconda::env type that matchs the env. It will not auto-create the environment if you forget the dependency.
- Create a true package provider
- Allow installation path to be defined - hard-coded to /opt/anaconda
- Packages cannot be specified with versions -- they install the latest version valid in the env.