IRNAS / pira-smart-software

Software running on embedded linux to communicate with Pira Smart and perform other functions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Software for PiRa Smart board implementing hardware interface functions.

Software support for hardware features

  • USB charger BQ24296 I2c
  • Display SSD1306 I2C
  • RFM95 Lora SPI

Board support package

  • GPIO for power scheduling
  • GPIO for power output

Application specific features

  1. Capture camera image and check for daylight/minimal light in image (maybe
  2. WiFi connect and hotspot
  3. Capture video for some time if sufficient light is available
  4. Measure distance with MB7092XL-MaxSonar-WRMA1
  5. Send data to TheThingsNetwork
  6. Send data over RockBlock Iridium modem
  7. Send images and data to Azure cloud storage
  8. Send data to M2X IoT platform
  9. Capture and process sensor data from CAN bus

RESIN - Fleet configuration variables

The following fleet configuration variables must be defined for correct operation:

  • RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay to value pi3-miniuart-bt
  • RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_gpu_mem to value 128, required by camera
  • RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_start_x to value 1, required by camera
  • RESIN_SUPERVISOR_DELTA to value 1, so updates are faster, optional.

Supported environment variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure the firmware:

  • Global
    • SLEEP_ENABLE_MODE (default sleep) , options are:
      • off - do not sleep
      • charging - do not sleep when charging
      • debug - sleep even if debug mode is enabled
      • sleep - go to sleep when requested
    • WIFI_ENABLE_MODE (default on) , options are:
      • on - always on when device is turned on
      • charging - only when charging
      • debug - only when debug
      • off - always off
    • BOOT_DISABLE (default 0), boot of this software is disabled if set to 1
    • LOOP_DELAY (default 10), in seconds, delay of main process loop (how often it is executed)
    • WIFI_SSID (default pira-01), on non-resin ONLY for now
    • WIFI_PASSWORD (default pirapira), on non-resin ONLY for now
    • DEBUG_ENABLE_MODE (default none), read from given pin, can be gpio:5 where number can be any BCM pin to turn on debug
    • MODULES a comma separated list of modules to load, the following is a list of all modules currently available pira.modules.scheduler,pira.modules.ultrasonic,,pira.modules.can,pira.modules.light_calculator,pira.modules.processing,pira.modules.lora,pira.modules.rockblock,pira.modules.nodewatcher,pira.modules.debug,pira.modules.webserver,pira.modules.m2x_plat,pira.modules.azure_images,pira.modules.azure_sync, delete the ones you do not wish to use.
    • SHUTDOWN_VOLTAGE (default 2.6V) to configure when the system should shutdown. At 2.6V hardware shutdown will occur, suggested value is 2.3-3V. When this is triggered, the device will wake up next based on the configured interval, unless the battery voltage continues to fall under the hardware limit, then it will boot again when it charges. Note this shutdown will be aborted if in debug mode.
    • LATITUDE (default 0) to define location, used for sunrise/sunset calculation
    • LONGITUDE (default 0) to define location
  • Pira BLE (can be controled with following values, if set to None BLE device settings are not updated):
    • PIRA_POWER (default None), p - safety on period, in seconds
    • PIRA_SLEEP (default None), s - safety off period, in seconds
    • PIRA_REBOOT (default None), r - reboot period duration, in seconds
    • PIRA_WAKEUP (default None), w - period for next wakeup, in seconds
  • Scheduler
    • SCHEDULE_MONTHLY (default 0), disabled - static schedule is used, enabled if set to 1
    • POWER_THRESHOLD_HALF (default 0), voltage at which SCHEDULE_T_OFF time is doubled, suggested 3.7
    • POWER_THRESHOLD_QUART (default 0), voltage at which SCHEDULE_T_OFF time is quadrupled, suggested 3.4
    • Static schedule variables:
      • SCHEDULE_START (default 00:01), option is also sunrise calculated automatically if lat/long are defined
      • SCHEDULE_END (default 23:59), option is also sunsetcalculated automatically if lat/long are defined
      • SCHEDULE_T_ON (default 5), remains on for specified time in minutes
      • SCHEDULE_T_OFF (default 55), remains off for specified time in minutes
    • Month-dependent schedule variables (x is number of desired month):
      • SCHEDULE_MONTHx_START (default 08:00), option is also sunrise calculated automatically if lat/long are defined
      • SCHEDULE_MONTHx_END (default 18:00), option is also sunsetcalculated automatically if lat/long are defined
      • SCHEDULE_MONTHx_T_ON (default 35), remains on for specified time in minutes
      • SCHEDULE_MONTHx_T_OFF (default 15), remains off for specified time in minutes
  • Camera
    • CAMERA_RESOLUTION (default 1280x720), options are 1280x720, 1920x1080, 2592x1952 and some others. Mind if copying resolution that you use the letter x not a multiply character.
    • CAMERA_VIDEO_DURATION (default off), duration in minutes or until-sleep
    • CAMERA_MIN_LIGHT_LEVEL (default 0.0), minimum required for video to start recording
    • CAMERA_ROTATE (default 0), set rotation, options are 90, 180 or 270 degrees
    • CAMERA_FAIL_SHUTDOWN (default 0), can camera shutdown the device for example if not enough light, set to 1 to enable
    • CAMERA_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL (default off), duration in minutes to be configured or daily
    • CAMERA_SNAPSHOT_HOUR (default 12), at which hour (24h UTC format) snapshot should be taken, CAMERA_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL is required to be set to daily
  • Rockblock
    • ROCKBLOCK_REPORT_INTERVAL (default 24), power on interval
    • ROCKBLOCK_RETRIES (default 2), maximum number of retries
  • LoRa
    • LORA_SPREAD_FACTOR (default 7)
    • LORA_REGION (default EU)
  • Nodewatcher (to report measurements to Nodewatcher platform)
  • Sensors
    • MCP3021_RATIO (default 0.0217) is the conversion value between raw reading and voltage, measure and calibrate for more precise readings
  • CAN (MCP2515)
    • CAN_SPEED (default 500000) is the speed of the CAN Bus
    • CAN_NUM_DEV (default 4) number of CAN devices to scan for
    • CAN_NUM_SEN (default 16) number of CAN sensor addresses to scan on each device
    • CAN_RUN (default cont) mode of running the can, once upon boot/until first read or continuously
  • M2X
    • M2X_KEY (must have) is the key of your M2X account
    • M2X_DEVICE_ID (must have) is the device ID you are connecting to
    • M2X_NAME (default DEMO_PI) is the name of the set of data
  • Azure Images and Azure Sync
    • AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME (must have), is the name
    • AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY (must have), is the account key
    • AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME (default Images: ImageExample, default Sync: azuresync), is the container name in the blob
    • AZURE_DELETE_LOCAL (default off), if set to on, it will delete past files in the /data/camera/ folder
    • AZURE_DELETE_CLOUD (default off), if set to on, it will delete the whole container in cloud
    • AZURE_LOGGING (default off), if on log all azure calls to console (outgoing requests and responses, as well as retry attempts)
    • AZURE_PROTOCOL (default https), specify protocol to use for requests (http or https)
    • AZURE_RUN (default cont), mode of running azure cloud sync, once-upon boot/until first sync, retry-run until successfully synced, daily-run once per day (on first boot in the day) or cont-run continuously (in images are implemented only once and cont options)
  • Processing
    • PROCESSING_RUN (default cont), mode of running the processing, once upon boot/until first process or continuously
    • PROCESS_CSV_FILENAME (default is processed), filename for processed data file, version and type will be automatically added (ex. processed-v1.csv)
    • PROCESS_GDD_SENSOR_NAME (default Temperature middle 1 (F)), which sensor is used to calculate growing degree days (total accumulation), name written like it is in csv file
    • PROCESS_GDD_BASE_TEMP (default 50), base temperature for growing degree days calculation, in Fahrenheit

Using without

To use on a standard Raspbian Lite image complete the following steps:

  • Install Raspbian Lite
  • Install git and clone this repo
  • Execute /scripts/ (with sudo) and follow the instructions at the end
  • Configure environmental variables by adding them to the end of /etc/environment file, for example SLEEP_WHEN_CHARGING="1"
  • Run the start script by (-E is required to read environment variables correctly):
cd pira-smart-software
sudo -E ./

Using it with Local Mode

To use it with Local Mode (Development) with

  • Download resin-cl
  • Rename Dockerfile.template to Dockerfile
  • Execute sudo ./resin local scan to scan the local network
  • To push the firmware sudo ./resin local push ID_HERE -s LOCATION

Extra useful things:

  • Enviroment variables place in: .resin-sync.yml like this:
    	- AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME=rpiimages


Software running on embedded linux to communicate with Pira Smart and perform other functions

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 94.8%Language:Shell 5.2%