IQSS / data-viz

R and Python Binding for JS visualizations (D3, leaflet) for Data Science. Dataverse-ready visualizations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dataverse Visualizations

This is a tool for visualizing data from the Dataverse project. It is intended to augment TwoRavens, a data analysis tool for Dataverse, to give it visualization capability.


  1. Download from Github

  2. Software Prerequisites:

  • Python

  • Python package index [(pip)] (

  • R

    • Make sure you have the libraries 'rjson' and 'DescTools' loaded into R. To download them, open R, and run the following commands:

2. (Recommended)
 * Before downloading the necessary packages for this application, it is recommended to set up a python virtualenv with a virtualenvwrapper. Please see the [virtualenv documentation]( and then the [virtualenvwrapper documentation.]( Note: if you are running windows, download [virtualenvwrapper-win-1.1.5] ( or [cygwin] ( instead of virutalenvwrapper.

3. Package Download
* In your terminal, change directories to the path of the application (data-viz). Then enter the 'DataVisualiations' directory. if you decided to set up an virtualenvwrapper, activate it with the command: ```$ workon your_environment_name```. Then, change directories to the project directory ```data-viz```, then enter the ```DataVisualizations``` folder. To download the contents of the "requirements.txt" file, type the following command into the terminal: ```$ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt```

4. Starting the App
* To begin visualizing, make sure you are in the ```DataVisualizations``` directory and run the following command: ```python```. You will see the following line: ``` * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)```. Go to the listed URL in a browser (preferably Chrome), and you will be ready to visualise. 

## User Guide
* To see how to use this tool to visualize your data, please see [this 4 minute demonstration](


R and Python Binding for JS visualizations (D3, leaflet) for Data Science. Dataverse-ready visualizations.


Language:JavaScript 72.0%Language:HTML 13.7%Language:Python 10.9%Language:CSS 2.3%Language:R 1.1%