INGV / exist-fdsn-station

FDSN station service and database with eXist-db

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exist-fdsn-station offers an XML-based database for seismic stations metadata, compliant with the standard FDSN StationXML format [FDSN, 2012] and accessible with the standard FDSN web service fdsnws/station [FDSN, 2013]. The exist-fdsn-station software is an application running into an eXist-db [Siegel and Retter, 2014] database, users should consider becoming familiar also with the eXist-db software, in particular with its Package Manager and with the eXide integrated editor. Here are the instructions for using the software in brief, for a more detailed guide download the manual.


You can install the eXist-db database and application in the provided containerized package, following the instructions presented here. Otherwise, if you prefer a standard eXist-db installation, refer to the eXist-db documentation [eXist-db Project, 2014]. In the latter case, after successfully installing eXist-db stand-alone, follow the instructions presented below to install Exist-fdsn-station using the package system.

Get the source

Whichever method you choose for installation, you will need to obtain the source code before proceeding. To get the source code, download a copy of the project from the github repository or clone it directly:

$ git clone

Test run with exist-fdsn-station

For a quick application test, you can build the image by running the docker command from the project directory:

$ docker build . -t exist-fdsn-station

then start the container using the image just built:

$ docker run -d -p --name  exist-fdsn-station

After a while, the eXist-db server with exist-fdsn-station installed into, will be up and running. Access its Dashboard page at

In eXist-db interface, click on the "fdsn station" icon to activate the application. User "admin" password is empty.

You can stop and remove container and image with the next commands:

$ docker stop exist-fdsn-station
$ docker rm exist-fdsn-station
$ docker image rm exist-fdsn-station

Installation with docker-compose

The recommended and persistent installation procedure is based on the docker compose command, driven by the compose.yaml file. The installation will store the database on disk in the "data" directory, and you must create it manually before install. From the project directory you can activate the build and start the service using docker compose:

$ mkdir data
$ docker compose up -d

[+] Running 2/2

-   Container exist-fdsn-station      Started
-   Container fdsn-station-proxy-1    Started

This command starts two containers, one with the database and the application, the second with the nginx web server front-end, you can check their running state with:

docker compose top

When your server will be up, access it at With docker compose you can start or stop the two services independently.


The database uses the "data" directory as a container local volume where database and application persist safely on disk.

Basic administrative tasks in eXist-db

Administrator credentials are required to perform administrative tasks in eXist-db. The administrator user is called "admin" and has a blank default password. Typical administrative tasks are the user management and the package installation. To access the Dashboard menu to start the User Manager or the Package Manager you must log in. Use the User Manager application to change the "admin" password. Installation of the exist-fdsn-station packages automatically creates the "fdsn" user, you need to change its default "fdsn" password too.

The packages

The exist-fds-station consists of two packages: fdsn-station and fdsn-station-data. The first contains the application files, the second contains data and index definitions. Their names follow the following name convention:

  • fdsn-station-data-{majorversion}{minorversion}.xar
  • fdsn-station-{majorversion}{minorversion}{microversion}{build}.xar

The package files, compatible with eXist-db, are in EXPath format [EXPath Community Group, 2021].

Installing the "ant" software is a prerequisite to build the packages. Then you can build the packages, in the form of compressed ".xar" files, invoking "ant" from the project directory.

$ ant -f build.xml
$ ant -f fdsn-station-data/build.xml

Installing using the packages

If you installed eXist-db on your own, you need the two package files to proceed with this kind of installation. Since distribution of binary packages is not currently planned, you need to compile them from source, as shown above. The installation of fdsn-station depends on the presence of the fdsn-station-data package in the database, therefore you must first install fdsn-station-data, otherwise the installation will fail. Launch the Package Manager application from the Launcher, to install the packages one at a time.

The fdsn-station-data package contains only the initial collection and its index definitions. This collection will be filled with your stations data, so when the system will be in production you should avoid reinstalling the fdsn-station-data package, otherwise your data will be deleted.


Updates of the package follow the same procedure for every kind of installation. Updates of the fdsn-station package are data safe and do not require updating the fdsn-station-data package. Future versions of the fdsn-station package that eventually require changes to the data collection will also require an updated fdsn-station-data package and will fail installation otherwise.

Station Database maintenance

The application interface exposes some basic database maintenance operation through the "Manage" page.

Purge the database

A dummy station is contained in the fdsn-station-data package, it is necessary to remove it before starting to use the database with your data. To delete all stations, click on the "Purge" button. Beware, you cannot undelete after clicking.

Cache clean

There is a kind of cache system implemented in the application, if you moved or deleted some station document using the eXide application or accessing the database collection with other clients, you probably broke this system. Minor problems can be solved using the "Empty" button to reset the cache. This operation is completely safe for data in the station collection.

Fix database

Major problems occurring to the cache system can be fixed resetting the whole cache system, using the "Fix" button. Typical symptoms of a broken cache are inconsistent results of queries from the web service, persisting after a Cache Clean attempt. If Cache Clean did not get the expected results, you can still try to Fix the database. This operation is safe for data, but could change data modification time of documents used by queries with the parameter updatedafter.

Touch database

This function permits to update all modification time of all documents in the database at the same time. Use it whenever you want to force all your data to a given update time.

Log verbosity

To change the logs verbosity of the application you must check one or more desired levels, then click apply. Changes are applied immediately, starting from the next query to the service.

  • Enable log: add to the log of the application only error 400. It is a recommendable default.
  • Enable debug: enable logging of internal calls of the application, use it only when trying to debug the software.
  • Enable query: enables GET and POST query logs by the service.

Where are my logs?

The exist-fdsn-station logs are in the same place where eXist-db logs go. If you are using the docker compose installation procedure you can see all the logs using: $ docker compose logs

Where are my files?

Only using eXide or through the application interface, you can view and download the original StationXML browsing the fdsn-station-data collection. To get the chosen file just click on the link in the station list present in the home page. When the list is very long it may be useful to use the "Search" function to find the input files using the station code as the search key.

Data Management

Having removed the dummy station by trying the "Purge" of the database, it's time to load some station.xml files to continue playing around or to put in production your new fdsnws/station web service. The better way to load data in a production environment is using the PUT HTTP method, in this way data load can be fully automated.

PUT your stations in the database

In order to upload station files, you need a web client capable of submitting a PUT request with a payload to the webservice. PUT is a method subject to authorization, you need to know the "fdsn" user credentials. You can store in the database station files coming from different sources and, as station names are not uniquely attributed to a provider, it is mandatory to use a naming convention for files.

The file names need to be in the format: PROVIDER_STATION.xml where PROVIDER is a string used to identify the provider of the metadata station file and STATION is a string equal to the seismic station code.

Here is an example of data input using curl, passing through the nginx proxy server:

$ curl -X PUT "http://127.0.01:80/fdsnws/station/1/query?" -H
"accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -H "filename: INGV_ABSI.xml" --data-binary @Station/INGV_ABSI.xml -o output.xml -i -v -fdsn:password

and another example using curl directly addressing the eXist-db host, notice the different URL:

$ curl -X PUT ""
-H "accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" -H "Expect:" -H "filename:INGV_ABSI.xml" --data-binary @Station/INGV_ABSI.xml -o output.xml -i -v -fdsn:password

DELETE your stations

Usually stations are inserted and updated overwriting them, but if you really want to delete one station, you can use the DELETE HTTP method, passing the filename header. Example:

$ curl -v -H "filename: INGV_ACER.xml" -X DELETE "" -u fdsn:password

If you need to remove a whole network, pertaining to a given PROVIDER, you have to use another syntax, passing on the URL the PROVIDER string and the network code:

$ curl -v -X DELETE "" -u

A different syntax is available for removing all the networks of the given provider in a single request, using a wildcard to match every network code:

$ curl -v -X DELETE "*" -u fdsn:fdsn

For a complete reference of the extension of the API implemented in exist-fdsn-station see Table 1.

Method Parameter Header Description
PUT None requested filename Add a station to the database.
The filename of the stationXML passed is in the format PROVIDER_STATIONCODE.xml
DELETE None requested filename Delete a station, the name of the stationXML to be removed is passed in the format PROVIDER_STATIONCODE.xml
DELETE provider None requested Provider of the stations to be removed, as per the prefix of the station file previously inserted.
DELETE net None requested Select one network code to delete all stations of the network of the given provider., '*' to delete all stations of the given provider.

Table 1: fdsnws/station API extension provided.

Get responses from the web service

Just after station loading, querying your service will start to give some meaningful results. The entry points differ depending on the server you interrogate, see Table 3 for reference.

container entry point
exist-fdsn-station http://INTERNAL_IP:8080/exist/apps/fdsn-station/fdsnws/station/1/query?

Table 2: entry points of the fdsnws/station service

Notice that INTERNAL_IP is the IP assigned on the docker network to the exist-fdsn-station.

Access the service path "/fdsnws/station/1" to obtain a human-readable description of the service specification.

Automating database updates

The API permits to write into the database programmatically, you can use whatever instrument to exploit it for manage data into exist-fdsn-station. For user convenience, in the "bin" project directory you can find, a python script capable of synchronizing your database with every fdsnws/station web service source or with a directory full of station files. Use the "--help" option or inspect the code to understand its use. The file "bin/" must be edited to insert the credentials needed to authenticate the script with the exist-fdsn-station destination server.

Performance monitoring

The performance of the service can be monitored in real time using the pre-installed Monex application, accessible from the eXist-db home page, see Figure 1. The service works best when XML output is requested, while text or other formats output requires translation, with a slight penalty. This must be taken into consideration when creating applications that access the service and have critical needs in terms of response times.


eXist-db Project (2014).

EXPath Community Group, (2021). Packaging System EXPath Candidate Module 9 May 2012, available at

FDSN - International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (2012). StationXML schema 1.0, available at

FDSN - International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (2013). FDSN Web Service Specifications Version 1.0, available at

Siegel, E., Retter, A., (2014). eXist, O'Reilly Media, Inc. ISBN:9781449337100



FDSN station service and database with eXist-db

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 57.1%Language:XQuery 37.0%Language:XSLT 4.3%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:CSS 0.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%