ILIAS-eLearning / TestCalendarCustomGrid

ILIAS Plugin to test the "AppointmentCustomGrid" plugin slot.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


TestCalendarCustomGrid is a plugin to test the "AppointmentCustomGrid" plugin slot. It is only for test purposes.

Minimum ILIAS Version: 5.3.0

Maximum ILIAS Version: 5.4.999

Responsible Developer: Jesús López Reyes -

Supported Languages: This plugin does not support any language. All text is hardcoded in the php files.

Quick Installation Guide

  1. Clone this repository inside the directory <ILIAS_directory>/Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Calendar/AppointmentCustomGrid/

    or download the zip file, extract the zip file and then copy the content of the folder inside the directory <ILIAS_directory>/Customizing/global/plugins/Services/Calendar/AppointmentCustomGrid/

  2. Login to ILIAS with an administrator account (e.g. root)

  3. Select Plugins from the Administration main menu drop down.

  4. Search the TestCalendarCustomGrid plugin in the list of plugins and choose Activate from the Actions drop down.

Expected Result

Modifications are visible in the Personal Desktop - Calendar

Depending of the element this plugin add/change the link presentation in this calendars:

  • Day view
  • Week view
  • Month view

The plugin also changes the default title and description of the appointments located in the agenda:

  • List view

Visible Changes

  • Day view:

    • If the appointment is full day: the background color of the link is like a light orange (btn-info)

    • If appointment is not full day: the background color of the link is blue (btn-default)

  • Week, Month view:

    • If the appointment is full day and it's created by a Course, the content is completely replaced by the text "Course (modified by plugin TestCalendarCustomGrid)" using 2 font sizes and a light green background color.

    • If the appointment is full day and it's created by a Session, the content is completely replaced by the text "Session (modified by plugin TestCalendarCustomGrid)" using 2 font sizes and orange background color.

    • If the appointment is not full day, the event has this changes:

      • If the event is created by a course a new "course" icon is added
      • If the event is created by a session a new "session" icon is added
      • The event title has background color "light green"
      • The event title is bold and red.
      • The title of the event is: "Title changed by ilTestCalendarGridPlugin"
      • Extra text is added: "Plugin TestCalendarCustomGrid added this text"


ILIAS Plugin to test the "AppointmentCustomGrid" plugin slot.


Language:PHP 100.0%