IKavanagh / IKavanagh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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I'm currently Director and Senior Software Engineer at Azyra based in Dublin. I work on the Azyra CI system and as Head of Technical Recruitment.

Website LinkedIn GitHub

⚡️ A Few Quick Facts

  • 🎓 I have a PhD in Electronic Engineering
  • 📖 My thesis was written on "Accurate and efficient full-wave modelling for indoor radio wave propagation"
  • 🐶 My 10 year old labrador, Toby, is my best friend
  • 🚀 I like building Lego Star Wars spaceships and playing Pokémon games
  • ⚒️ I enjoy making things like the "World's Most Effective Alarm Clock"
  • 📙 Check out my resume

🔧 Some Tools I Use

C# .NET .NET Core Microsoft SQL Server git GitHub Azure Vim Visual Studio VS Code

🔨 Some Tools I've Used in the Past

C C++ Jave HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Bootstrap PHP Matlab LaTeX mySQL Arduino Raspberry Pi
