IFcoltransG / buuza-wiki

A wiki for the webcomic BUUZA!! by Shazleen Khan

Home Page:https://ifcoltransg.github.io/buuza-wiki/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repo contains the wiki for the webcomic BUUZA!! by Shazleen Khan.

A misdialed number leads to an unexpected, long distance romance.

BUUZA!! is a comic about found family, diaspora and religion, set in an urban fantasy 90's Middle East and Central Asia.

Reading the wiki

You can browse the pages in the /_wiki directory (as well as _pages which contains the Main Page). However for best experience, check out the website for the wiki.

Editing the wiki

To edit a page, simply make the change, then send a pull request via GitHub.

You can use GitHub-Flavored Markdown formatting on each page.

If you add a new fact, try to add where you found it in the References section, so readers can find it too.

New Pages

To create a new page for the wiki, have a read of this template.

# This initial section between `---` is 'yaml front matter'.
# It holds metadata like the title and tags.
title: Example Page
# Set the tags here. Have a look down below for tag ideas.
tags: []
Put the content of your page here! You can use GitHub-Flavored Markdown for formatting.

[Here's an example link to this example file!](/_wiki/example-page.md)

As you can see above, the file is titled "Example Page", and the file is saved under `example-page.md`.
Make sure your filenames are lowercase with dashes between words (no other punctuation) and end in `.md`.
When you write a link's url, make sure it starts with `/_wiki/`.

## References
- Put the names of particular chapters here, so that people can refer back to the comic
- Begin each line of the references with a dash to make a bulleted list

Page tags

Tags help categorise new pages. Here are some of the tags you can use.

  • [] for miscellaneous
  • ['Person'] for characters
  • ['Person', 'Group'] for groups of people or organisations
  • ['Location'] for miscellaneous places
  • ['Location', 'Region'] for the thirteen regions of Dawlat Al-Harir
  • ['Location', 'Station'] for railway stations
  • ['Location', 'Commercial'] for shops and businesses
  • ['Location', 'Education'] for universities
  • ['Culture'] for cultural aspects of Dawlat Al-Harir
  • ['Culture', 'Deity'] for deities
  • ['Chapter'] for chapters of the comic


A wiki for the webcomic BUUZA!! by Shazleen Khan



Language:HTML 53.0%Language:SCSS 26.6%Language:Ruby 18.6%Language:Python 1.8%