RuDaS: Synthetic Datasets for Rule Learning

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RuDaS: Synthetic dataset generation code and evaluation tools for ILP

RuDaS (Synthetic Datasets for Rule Learning), is a tool for generating synthetic datasets containing both facts and rules, and for evaluating rule learning systems, that overcomes the shortcomings of existing datasets and proper evaluation methods.

RuDaS is highly parameterizable; for instance, number of constants, predicates, facts, consequences of rules (i.e., completeness) amount of noise (e.g., wrong or missing facts) and kinds of dependencies between rules can be selected.

Moreover, RuDaS allows for assessing the performance of rule learning systems by computing classical and more recent metrics, including a new one that we introduce.

In this repository there is also the code (see experiments/README) we used to evaluate representatives of different types of rule learning systems on our datasets demonstrating the necessity of having a diversified portfolio of datasets to help revealing the variety in the capabilities of the systems and thus also to support and help researchers in developing and optimizing new/existing approaches.

Paper & Slides:

How to cite:

  author={Cristina Cornelio and Veronika Thost},
  Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {30th} International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, ILP2020-21 @ IJCLR},
  title={Synthetic Datasets and Evaluation Tools for Inductive Neural Reasoning},
  Year = {2021}}


  • Python 3


See experiments/README for additional requirements for running the experiments

Available Datasets Description

Example of data


p3(X0,X1) :- p7(X1,X0).
p7(X0,X2) :- p6(X0,X1), p6(X1,X2).
p7(X1,X0) :- p9(X3,X1), p9(X1,X0).




The datasets described below (see paper for more details) can be found here: dataset1 and dataset2.

# type Size Depth #Rules #Rules #Rules #Facts #Facts #Facts #Pred #Pred #Pred #Const #Const #Const
min avg max min avg max min avg max min avg max
10 CHAIN S 2 2 2 2 51 74 95 5 7 9 31 47 71
10 CHAIN S 3 3 3 3 49 70 97 7 8 9 31 43 64
10 CHAIN M 2 2 2 2 168 447 908 9 10 11 97 259 460
10 CHAIN M 3 3 3 3 120 508 958 8 10 11 52 230 374
22 RDG S 2 3 3 3 49 84 122 6 9 11 28 50 84
12 RDG S 3 4 5 6 56 104 172 8 10 11 41 55 75
22 RDG M 2 3 3 3 200 646 1065 6 11 11 71 370 648
22 RDG M 3 4 5 7 280 613 1107 10 11 11 149 297 612
22 DRDG S 2 3 4 5 60 100 181 6 9 11 29 55 82
12 DRDG S 3 4 7 11 58 144 573 8 10 11 34 58 89
22 DRDG M 2 3 4 5 149 564 1027 10 11 11 88 327 621
22 DRDG M 3 4 7 12 111 540 1126 10 11 11 70 284 680

Dataset generation code

  • rules can be arbitrary long and with n-ary predicates
  • anonymous constants and predicates = constants c1 c2 .. , predicates p1 p2 ..
  • format: prolog standard, 2 different files type: one for facts one for rules
  • parameters:
    • number of constants
    • number of predicates
    • min/max arity of predicates
    • number of rules
    • maximal length of rules
    • number of reasoning steps (depth of the tree or number of total steps)
    • connected components rules category
    • min/max number of connected components
    • maximal depth of rule graphs
    • dataset size: S, M, L, XL
    • open-world degree n_OW in [0, 1]
    • amount of noise in the data nNoise+ , nNoise- in [0, 1]
  • Noise:
    • adding fact that are not necessary to prove the goal: nNoise+
    • removing support facts: nNoise-
    • removing consequences facts: n_OW
  • categories to show capabilities of the ILP system:
    • Chain -> h:-b1,b2. b1:-a1,a2. a1:-c1,c2
    • Rooted Directed Graph (DG) -> h:-b1,b2. b1:-a1,a2. b2:-c1,c2. a1:-d1,d2. a2:-d3,d4. ...
    • Disjunctive Rooted DG -> different rules same head: h:-b1,b2. h:-a1,a2. h:-c1,c2.
    • Mixed -> mix of the above.
    • All of them can have recursion -> h(X):-h(Y),b1(X,Y). b1(X,Y):-b1(Z,Y),b2(X,Z)


Evaluation Tools for ILP systems

Evaluation tool to compute distances between logic programs:

  • Herbrand distance: the traditional distance between Herbrand models; two normalized versions of the Herbrand distance
  • Herbrand accuracy: (H-accuracy), Herbrand distance normalized on the Herbrand base
  • Herbrand score: (H-score), a new metric we propose in this paper;
  • Accuracy
  • Precision (or standard confidence)
  • Recall
  • F1-score
  • Rule-score: a new computationally efficient measure that consider only the induced rules and not the grounded atoms.

Predicate invention is not penalized in the evaluation.

Future extensions

  • Probabilistic dataset: generate probabilistic facts and/or rules
  • More expressive logic: for example full first order or higher order


RuDaS: Synthetic Datasets for Rule Learning

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:NewLisp 61.9%Language:DTrace 35.9%Language:Python 1.8%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Prolog 0.0%