Cloud Integration (M2, M2-APP-LSI, M2-APP-RI, M2-PRO - 2021S9)

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Cloud Integration (M2, M2-APP-LSI, M2-APP-RI, M2-PRO - 2021S9)


This repository contains the final project (that includes labs 1 to 3).

Instructions are available in .pdf files at the root of the directory.

Application Diagram


This project runs on docker.

You can check if docker is properly installed and running by typing into a terminal a simple docker command such as docker ps:

Test if docker is running using docker ps command


Clone this repository (you can use Git, or use the GUI client GitHub Desktop)

And that's it !


Now you can run the project. To do so, you will have to open a terminal and execute the following command :

Optionnal You can download pre-built images from the GitHub Container Registry using the following command:

docker pull ghcr.io/iamfrench/efrei-m2-st2dccc_movie
docker pull ghcr.io/iamfrench/efrei-m2-st2dccc_actor

Then you can start the application using the following command:

docker-compose up -d

Hint: To speed up the build process, you can use the following command:

docker-compose build --parallel

This command will read the docker-compose.yml file and deploy the application on your local computer.

Deploy the application is running using docker-compose up commands

You can check if the containers are running using this command:

docker-compose ps

Check if the application is running using docker-compose ps commands


Now that you have installed, and run the application, it's time to play with the project!

Open you web browser to http://localhost

The interface that is displayed is the default Swagger UI web Client. This web client has been fed with a definition file (swagger.yaml) that describe our APIs.

Open the Swagger UI web client using a basic web browser

Available endpoints and methods

Because we have two services running we have chosen to expose them to two different ports as displayed in the solution diagram. The port 81 is used by the actor service and the port 82 is used by the movie service.

In order to use those endpoints on different ports in Swagger UI we have overwritten the default host (lines 4 and 9) in the docker-compose.yml file:

Override the default server

Actor Service (on port 81)

GET finAll

Return all movies stored in the movie service with actors

GET findOne/{movieId}

Return a movie from the movie service, with actors by movieId

Movie Service (on port 82)

GET movies

Return all movies

POST movies

Add a new movie to the movie service

GET movies/{movieId}

Return a single movie by movieId

PUT movies/{movieId}

Edit a movie by movieId

DELETE movies/{movieId}

Delete a movie by movieId

Test the circuit breaker

The circuit breaker is implemented in the actor service. It is used when this service call the movie service.

Service is unavailable (no response)

If the requested service is unavailable a fallback method is implemented to prevent a cascade failure.

To create a failure, you just need to kill the container running the movie service. To do so, we will use the Docker Desktop Dashboard, a GUI for Docker:

Stop the container responsible for running the movie service

Now that the container is down, we can test if the circuit breaker is working by executing a REST request to the actor service.

To do so, we will use the Swagger UI:

Making a REST request when the movie service is down

And here is the response:

REST response from the actor service when the movie service is down

As expected, the movie service is unavailable, therefore the fallback method have been called and the response modified accordingly.

Here is the code responsible for that (in the actor service):

REST Client of the actor service embedded into a circuit breaker

Service is slow or degraded (timelimit)

If a request is taking too much time, a fallback method is taking care of providing a response to ensure a continuity of service.

To simulate this delay, we have implemented an argument (passed as a query parameter) for the GET {movie-service}/movies/{id} route in the movie service:

Delay added to the query in the Movie Service using a pause statement

And thanks to the Swagger UI we can test this:

Swagger UI query that induce a delay of 600ms

This produces the following response:

Swagger UI response after a query inducing a delay of 600ms

As expected, a fallback method has been triggered.

Here is the code responsible for that (in the actor service):

REST Client of the actor service embedded into a circuit breaker

The time limit has been set in the circuit breaker config:

Circuit breaker config file

Clean up

Now that you have finished playing with the application. It's time to clean the project.

To do so, open a terminal and type the following command:

docker-compose down -v

This command will stop and remove containers and networks from your computer assigned to our project.

Cleaning the application using the docker-compose down command


Cloud Integration (M2, M2-APP-LSI, M2-APP-RI, M2-PRO - 2021S9)


Language:Java 91.3%Language:Dockerfile 8.7%