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登基 Enthronement
作者:秋阳创巴,01.22.1973 By Chögyam Trungpa, January 22, 1973
节选自 《自由的迷思》 <<The Myth of Freedom and the Way of Meditation>>
父母是慈悲的, Parents are very kind,
但年少的我不懂得感激, But I am too young to appreciate it.
高原的山谷是美丽的, The highland mountains and valleys are beautiful,
但没见过平原的我是无知的。 But having never seen the lowlands, I am stupid.
追寻心的滋养, Having striven for mind's nourishment,
磨砺智慧的锋芒, Sharpening the spearhead of intellect,
我遇到了永恒的父母, I discovered permanent parents
永难忘。 Whom I can never forget.
没人能影响我的显现, Having no one to influence my outlook,
我本初的自然 I display my primordial nature
成为了年轻的王子。 And adopt the style of a youthful prince.
这是因为我唯一的父亲。 This is due to the only father guru.
我为他人忙碌。 I am busy working for others.
智慧穿透障碍, Prajna, penetrating all obstacles,
成熟了王子, Has made the prince old and wise,
毫无畏惧。 Fearing no one.
在空中舞蹈, Dancing in space,
披着云的霓裳, Clad in clouds,
吞下太阳握住月亮, Eating the sun and holding the moon,
所有的星星都是我的随从。 The stars are my retinue.
赤裸的孩子是美丽而高贵的。 The naked child is beautiful and dignified.
红色的花朵在天空绽放。 The red flower blooms in the sky.
居然看到了无形的舞者, It is ironic to see the formless dancer,
随着没有号手的小号舞蹈。 Dancing to the trumpet without a trumpeter.
在红宝石的宫殿, At the palace of red ruby,
听着种子字的轰鸣, Listening to the utterance of the seed syllable,
愉快的看着在虚幻中摇曳的, It is joyful to watch the dance of illusion,
现实的撩人的舞娘。 The seductive maidens of phenomena.
无需宝剑的勇士, The warrior without a sword,
骑着彩虹, Riding on a rainbow,
听着无休无止的超然的笑声, Hears the limitless laughter of transcendent joy,
喝着毒液酿造的甜酒。 The poisonous snake becomes amrita.
饮着火,穿着水, Drinking fire, wearing water,
握着风的权杖, Holding the mace of the wind,
呼吸着大地, Breathing earth,
我是三界的王。 I am the lord of the three worlds.