HybridDog / texture_noise

Texture-based procedural noise generation for Minetest mods (Work Indefinitely Postponed)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To use this in a lua program inside a git repository, I recommend to add the files with git subtree, for example:

git subtree add --squash --prefix=texture_noise git@github.com:HybridDog/texture_noise.git master

You may need to change the prefix to some subdirectory, or change the datastructures repository url if you want to use some fork of this repository. After adding the subtree and assuming that the greyscale image example_heightmap.png exists, we can use, for example, the texture_noise.Noise class in a Lua file:

local path = […]
local path_texture_noise = path .. "/texture_noise"
local texture_noise = assert(loadfile(
	path_texture_noise .. "/texture_noise.lua"){path = path_texture_noise})

-- Create an object for sampling the procedural noise
local tn = texture_noise.Noise{
	path_image = path .. "/example_heightmap.png",
	grid_scaling = 3.0,
	interpolation = "linear",
	seed = 31556925,

function myfunc()
	-- […]
	-- Sample the procedural noise with a horizontal and vertical scaling of
	-- 1/0.3
	local values = tn:sampleArea({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, {0.3, 0, 0, 0.3})
	-- […]

The demo.lua script can be used to test the noise with a given image and other parameters and can be helpful to find a good grid_scaling. It requires luavips and argparse from luarocks. See demo.lua --help for usage information.



This class implements stochastic texture sampling for greyscale images and can be used for procedural noise.


texture_noise.Noise(args) creates a new object. args is a table with the following fields:

  • path_image: A path to the input image file. The image should be tileable and work well with the stochastic texture sampling algorithm. Currently only greyscale PNG images are supported. The smallest and biggest grey value should ideally be 0 and 255 (in the 8-bit case). 16-bit images are supported, which may be helpful against numerical precision problems.
  • grid_scaling: A number for the scaling of the triangle grid. Higher values mean a coarser grid and lead to better pattern preservation at the cost of more visible tiling. If set too high, the result looks like a simple tiling of the input image, whereas if set too low, input image features are lost and the result is noisy. A good value can be found with trial and error, and 3.0 may be a good starting point.
  • interpolation: Interpolation of the gaussianised texture when it is sampled. Possible values: "nearest", "linear", "smoothstep", "quintic". "nearest" is the fastest option and should therefore always be chosen if the noise is sampled without transformation. "smoothstep" and "quintic" usually give bad results and are included for completeness; they are bad because they use only the four nearest pixels like "linear" interpolation and show grid artifacts like "nearest" interpolation. Note that the interpolation is done on the gaussianised texture, so the "linear" interpolation does not lead to linear slopes because the inverse histogram transformation is applied after the interpolation.
  • seed: PRNG seed for the triange grid vertex hashing
  • lut_size: Number of elements in the lookup table. Optional; defaults to 256. For certain images, such as a few bright stars on a large black background, the histogram has a high peak and the transformation works badly; increasing lut_size may help in this case.
  • lut_interpolation: Interpolation of the lookup texture when it is sampled. Possible values: "nearest", "linear"; defaults to "linear". "linear" can avoid banding artifacts while "nearest" is faster and avoids values which are not present in the input image.

The initialisation happens lazily, i.e. the first time the noise is sampled, path_image is loaded from disk and processed, so sampling the noise the first time takes longer than the following times.


  • sampleArea(pos1, pos2[, transformation]): Sample the noise at multiple positions. pos1 and pos2 are two-element arrays, e.g. {4, 51}, and define a grid of sample positions: {pos1[1], pos1[1] + 1, ..., pos2[1]} x {pos1[2], pos1[2] + 1, ..., pos2[2]}. transformation is a 2x2 position transformation matrix encoded row-major in a flat array and defaults to the identity matrix. With this argument, it is possible to sample the noise with a scale, rotation, mirroring and shear; for example, {0.5, 0, 0, 0.5} makes the noise twice as large. The return value of this method is a flat array which begins at index 1 and has the noise samples in row-major order; all values are within [0, 1]. If available, Minetest's VoxelArea can be used for the index calculation: local area = VoxelArea(vector.new(pos1[1], pos1[2], 0), vector.new(pos2[1], pos2[2], 0)).
  • sample(pos): Sample the noise at the position pos. The return value is a number in [0, 1].


This class implements a procedural noise similar to Minetest's perlin noise. Internally it uses a texture_noise.Noise object, samples it with multiple "wavelengths" and sums up the samples each with a different coefficient.

This formula roughly summarises how a value from a texture_noise.NoiseStacked f is calculated at a position x given the texture_noise.Noise n and parameters:

f(x * spread) =
  + n(x * lacunarity) * persistence
  + n(x * lacunarity ^ 2) * persistence ^ 2
  + …
  + n(x * lacunarity ^ (octaves - 1)) * persistence ^ (octaves - 1)


texture_noise.NoiseStacked(args) creates a new object. args is a table with the following fields:

  • texture_noise_params: Arguments passed to texture_noise.Noise. See the description of that constructor for an explanation of them.
  • octaves: Number of components. The required computation to sample the noise scales asymptotically linear with this number.
  • spread: Wavelength of the lowest-frequency component
  • lacunarity: Reduction factor for the wavelengths of the higher frequency components
  • persistence: Reduction factor for the amplitudes of the higher frequency components

The meanings of many parameters here are explained in detail at Minetest's API documentation about Perlin Noise.


  • sampleArea(pos1, pos2): Sample the stacked noise at multiple positions. See the texture_noise.Noise sampleArea definition for a meaning of the arguments and return value.


  • Explain mirroring. Due to Minetest's coordinate system, the texture may be mirrored when generating the noise.
  • More options for interpolation of the gaussianized texture: cubic (with parameters), perhaps mpv's spline36. Perhaps option for the interpolation of the LUT Texture and its sampling abstracted in a class
  • Random transformation matrices (rotation, shear, etc.) instead of only a random translation (patch offset) per triangle grid point
  • Investigation of limitations due to quantisation; are 8-bit textures sufficient for heightmaps with this algorithm or not?
  • If available, use Minetest's deflate in PNG decoding for performance
  • Check if modlib's PNG decoder (https://github.com/appgurueu/modlib/blob/master/minetest/png.lua) or the current png_loader are more suitable for texture_noise, e.g. which one is faster.
  • Test if png-lua works correctly with 16-bit images, i.e. does not quantize away stuff
  • Code cleanup and practical application
  • Add a simple tiling variant where it's just usual texture sampling with repetition
  • In NoiseStacked, use a different seed for each octave. Currently all use the same seed, which probably leads to artifacts near zero.


Texture-based procedural noise generation for Minetest mods (Work Indefinitely Postponed)

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%