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Project Zeppelin / GDG DevFest 2014 site template


Project Zeppelin allows you to setup awesome GDG DevFest site in 5 minutes.

Project is built on top of Jekyll - simple, blog-aware, static site generator. Jekyll also happens to be the engine behind GitHub Pages, which means you can use Jekyll to host your website from GitHub’s servers for free. Learn more about Jekyll.

Template is brought by GDG Lviv team.

Automated version with Grunt


  • Easy to setup
  • Simple and responsive design
  • Integrated speakers and sessions management
  • SVG icons
  • SEO friendly

Quick-start guide

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone locally
  3. Update _config.yml
  4. Select what content blocks do you need
  5. Push changes to gh-pages branch
  6. Enjoy your awesome DevFest site at http://[your github name]

Or watch project presentation from GDG[x] Townhall meeting. Slides available here

Local development

Check if you have all requirements for local environment. To install all development dependencies install Bundler.

    gem install bundler

and run next command from root folder:

  bundle install

To start Jekyll run:

    jekyll serve -w

Site will be available at or http://localhost:4000/zeppelin/ (on Windows)

NOTE: in this mode all changes to html and data files will be automatically regenerated, but after changing _config.yml you have to restart server.

Sass(Compass) support

Note: You need to install Node.js

To watch changes of .sass files and compile it to the .css on a fly change property safe: true to safe: false in _config.yml. Note: It works only on local machine, because GitHub runs Jekyll in --save mode

Learn more about Sass development from documentation.

Resource optimizations (optional)

You can optimize images and minify css and javascript automatically (for now only on Windows). But for Mac OS users available amazing tool - imageoptim. Thanks @raphaelsavina for link. Optimize all images by running this script from /automation/images/ folder:

    all_image_optimization.bat -d -jtran -pout -pquant -optip -gsicle -svgo

To minify CSS and JS run minify_js.bat (for Windows) and (for Linux and MacOS) from /automation/minifying/ folder:


Learn more about available optimization options from documentation.


Quick-start guide is not enough? Checkout full documentation.

Used libraries

Who is using template?

Going to use template? Go on! The only thing we ask - let us know at so we can include you to this list, or make a pull request.

GDG DevFest Ukraine 2014 GDG DevFest Istanbul 2014 GDG Bangalore Site
GDG DevFest Omsk 2014 2014 南阳 GDG Devfest 大会 DevFest Nordeste 2014
GDG DevFest The Netherlands DevFest Centro-Oeste 2014 Android DevFest Space Coast
DevFest SP 2014 DevFest in Baroda GDG Hi Pic (France)
GDG DevFest Córdoba 2014 GDG DevFest Düsseldorf 2014 GDG Makerere DevFest 2014
GDG Dublin DevFest 2014 GDG Busitema DevFest 2014 DevFest Vienna 2014
Android Wear DevFest GDG SLAU DevFest 2014 Lima DevFest
GDG Korea DevFair 2014 GDG DevFest Kota Kinabalu 2014 GDG DevFest Belgium
DevFest Praha 2014 GDG DevFest Kosice GDG DevFest Cagayan de Oro
DevFest Birgunj GDG DevFest Poland GDG DevFest Silicon Valley
DevFest Chennai 2014 GDG DevFest Bari GDG DevFest Ahmedabad
GDG DevFest Sri Lanka GDG DevFest Tunis GDG DevFest Kozhikode
GDG DevFest Argentina GDG DevFest Bhubaneswar GDG DevFest Miage Gi
GDG DevFest NORTE GDG Devfest Nyeri 2014 GDG DevFest Paris
GDG Akure MENAT GDG Summit 2014 Women Techmakers Istanbul 2015
GDG DevFest Mallorca Michigan GDG DevFest 2015 International Women's Day



Project is published under the MIT license. Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don't forget to add reference to authors :)

BSI Specific notes

Contents notes

  • Speaker IDs start from 101, team IDs start from 1.
  • Team member and speaker IDs must be the same for one person.
  • Study group pages are under a collection in config.
  • schedule.yml contains session IDs, sessions.yml contains speaker IDs.
  • Each entry in schedule.yml has a past attribute, which determines if it will appear on the schedule page or past talks page.

Adding new speaker/talk

  • Check ./_data\speakers.yml if s/he already there. If not, duplicate an existing speaker block and update the information.
  • Open ./_data\sessions.yml, duplicate an existing session block and update the corresponding information about the talk.
  • Open ./_data\schedule.yml, duplicate an existing schedule block and update the corresponding date/time information of the talk.

Adding new team members

  • Check ./_data\speakers.yml if s/he already there. If not, duplicate an existing speaker block and update the information.
  • Check ./_data\team.yml, if s/he already there. If not, duplicate an existing team member block and update the information.
  • Update ./_study-groups page if applicable.

(Re)Install notes

$ gem install bundler jekyll
$ gem pristine --all
$ bundle install
$ bundle update github-pages
$ bundle exec jekyll serve

# you may have to restore the backup css ./css/main.bak

Coding notes

  • There should be two branches: master and develop. Master is on, develop should be in local.
  • The difference between master and develop is in _config.yml:
# master branch
url: ""

# develop branch
url: ""
  • Make sure to edit the develop branch.
$ git checkout develop
$ git status
  • Once done, commit.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'commit message'
  • Switch to master branch, merge changes, push to live, and then switch back to develop.
$ git checkout master
$ git cherry-pick develop
$ git push origin master
$ git checkout develop


License:MIT License


Language:HTML 56.1%Language:SCSS 29.8%Language:JavaScript 13.2%Language:Ruby 0.9%