HundredVisionsGuy / Five-Frameworks-in-55-Minutes

Presentation on CSS and JS Frameworks for OCSTA Spring Conference 2020

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Five Frameworks in 55 Minutes

The Plan for Today

  1. Introductions
  2. What is a framework and how do they work?
  3. Getting Started
  4. 5 Frameworks
  5. Other interesting frameworks
  6. Links and Resources


  • Who is this presenter?
  • Why? Why do this? How might this be important?
  • What tools do we need?

Who is this presenter


  • This is where industry is at
  • Frameworks speed up development time
  • Frameworks solve many common problems in CSS
  • Frameworks have many applications (layouts, typography, animations, functionality)

Why in the classroom?

  • Students learn industry standard techniques
  • It helps move students more quickly towards realizing their visions
  • It adds a much needed wow factor in the classroom
    • as opposed to working hard for little reward/payoff
  • It provides a learning opportunity to see how professionals have solved technically difficult challenges (especially with layouts)
  • It makes the jump from Web Design to Web Development and helps bring in CS concepts more quickly

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What is a framework?

CSS frameworks provide a basic structure for designing consistent solutions to tackle common recurring issues across front end web development.

  • There are front-end frameworks and backend frameworks
  • There are frameworks for a very specific design challenge
    • like implementing a responsive grid
    • or implementing animations
    • or iconography
  • There are full-blown frameworks that solve most design patterns for a website
    • such as Bootstrap, which began as the Twitter library

Front-end Frameworks

  • Front-end frameworks typically contain 1 or more style sheets and 1 or more JavaScript scripts
  • You typically create UI elements and components by adding classes to your HTML
    • The CSS stylesheet does the rest
  • Sometimes you can just pick and choose what you want from the Framework to lower load times
  • You can use what you want and customize the rest

JavaScript Frameworks

  • The 3 Most popular JavaScript Frameworks are:
    • React
    • Angular
    • VueJS
  • There are others
  • They are typically JavaScript Frameworks that run on the server
  • They sometimes complement the HTML
  • Other times, they generate the HTML

Unfortunately, we won't have the time to take a deep dive in the JS Frameworks.

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Tools you'll want

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Getting Started

This is the general flow of things:

  1. Begin by creating a CodePen Account
  2. Next, fork my CodePen CSS Framework template
  3. Convert that pen into a CodePen template
  4. For each Framework, create a new pen from your template
  5. We'll hit several highlights for each framework

After this workshop, you should have the confidence to further explore

NOTE: Code samples are included in the samples directory

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  1. Bootstrap
  2. Foundation
  3. Materialize
  4. Animate.css
  5. VueJS (add some JavaScript)
  6. Other Frameworks worth looking at

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Getting Started

  1. Click Pen > From Template
  2. Select your CSS Framework Template
  3. Name it Bootstrap Sample (or something)
  4. Click the CSS gear icon
  5. Under "Add External Stylesheets/Pens"
    • Type "bootstrap" and it will find twitter-bootstrap v4
  6. Hit Enter and Save & Close
  7. Note the changes in Typography

Adding Bootstrap

  1. Like all CSS Frameworks, you only have to add class attributes
  2. Note: in case you didn't know the way to add 2 or more classes to one tag is like so:
    • <p class="emphasis alert">
    • <a class="btn btn-primary emphasis">
  3. Go to getbootstrap
  4. Use the left-hand nav for seeing what you can do
  5. TODO:
    1. Add container class
    2. Adjust the navbar
    3. Adjust the grids using the text inside as your guide
    • Challenge: can you adjust the responsive nature (for tablets, phones, etc.)
    1. Style the buttons
    2. Create a form group and form controls
    3. See what other computer components or utilities you can add

NOTE: this doesn't cover adding functionality with JavaScript, but it there's time in the presentation, I could help talk about how I would go about that.

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Repeat the same ideas but using Foundation.

  1. Add a container
  2. Style the <p> like a subtitle
  3. Make your grids (just like Bootstrap)
  4. Table - not much to do here other than adding a hover class
  5. For Form...
    • I'm not using any form classes
    • We'll use various callouts (callout,large,alert,warning, etc.)
  6. TODO: you know what to do...try some stuff



  1. Container class
  2. On Navbar, there are some differences:
    • Add navbar class to nav
    • Wrap the ul in a div with a class of nav-wrapper
    • Move the Materialize link into an anchor tag with a class of brand-logo left
    • Add a menu right class
  3. Make your grids
  4. On the buttons, use waves-effect classes
  5. Add stripes and hover effect
  6. Forms:
    • add autocomplete on input
    • Let's add some icons to the TextArea label


For Animate, just pick any framework and add some animation by:

  1. Add the Animate.css framework
    • In CodePen, by clicking the CSS gear icon and searching for animate
      • Just like you did for each of the other frameworks
    • In your text editor of choice, get the link from CodePen or the Animate.css website
  2. Add one of the many classes listed on...
  3. Test out different animations on different elements
  4. TODO:
    • Write a JavaScript script to change, toggle, add, or hide animate classes on various events
    • The quick & dirty way would be through jQuery toggle class


  1. For this, you will need to either
  2. Follow the VueJS Getting Started Page
  3. TODO:
    • Learn to create apps by divide the app into components
      • You really need to do this on your own device and NOT CodePen
      • Download NodeJS
    • Continue learning VueJS by following one of many different tutorials


  • With VueJS, you'll want to use a good text editor and NodeJS to continue working.

Other Frameworks

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Links and Other Resources

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Presentation on CSS and JS Frameworks for OCSTA Spring Conference 2020


Language:HTML 94.4%Language:JavaScript 4.3%Language:CSS 1.4%