Hubert-Zhu / eslint-plugin-unused-imports

Package to seperate no-unused-vars and no-unused-imports for eslint as well as providing an autofixer for the latter.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Find and remove unused es6 module imports. It works by splitting up the no-unused-vars rule depending on it being an import statement in the AST and providing an autofix rule to remove the nodes if they are imports. This plugin composes the rule no-unused-vars of either the typescript or js plugin so be aware that the other plugins needs to be installed and reporting correctly for this to do so.


If running typescript-eslint please use the -ts extension on your rules to make this also leverage type information (otherwise the autofixer will remove imports only used for type information). There is an example in the Usage section below.


If writing react code you need to install eslint-plugin-react and enable the two rules react/jsx-uses-react and react/jsx-uses-vars. Otherwise all imports for components will be reported unused.


You'll first need to install ESLint:

npm i eslint --save-dev

Next, install eslint-plugin-unused-imports:

npm install eslint-plugin-unused-imports --save-dev

Note: If you installed ESLint globally (using the -g flag) then you must also install eslint-plugin-unused-imports globally.


Add unused-imports to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix:

 "plugins": ["unused-imports"]

Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section. I can recommend adding a check for underscores, e.g.

 "rules": {
  "no-unused-vars": "off",
  "unused-imports/no-unused-imports": "error",
  "unused-imports/no-unused-vars": [
   { "vars": "all", "varsIgnorePattern": "^_", "args": "after-used", "argsIgnorePattern": "^_" }

Or, if using TypeScript:

 "rules": {
  "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": "off",
  "unused-imports/no-unused-imports-ts": "error",
  "unused-imports/no-unused-vars-ts": [
   { "vars": "all", "varsIgnorePattern": "^_", "args": "after-used", "argsIgnorePattern": "^_" }

Supported Rules

  • no-unused-imports
  • no-unused-vars
  • no-unused-imports-ts
  • no-unused-vars-ts


Package to seperate no-unused-vars and no-unused-imports for eslint as well as providing an autofixer for the latter.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%